We can please God in our lives. We should live our lives to please God in our day to day activities. God wants us to please Him. The Bible says that God created us in His image. When we exhibit the nature of God, we bring God pleasure. We are created for God's pleasure. When we obey the commandments of God, we will cause him pleasure.
Our life can give God pleasure. The Bible says that if a man's way pleases God, He will make his enemies to be at peace with in. So, it is possible for us to please God. We should learn to please God. We should talk in the way that pleases God. We should live in the way that pleases God.
We should not displease God. Displeasing God is not good for the individual. We should not do those things that make God to be displeased with us. We should not sin because sin makes God unhappy with us. We should honour God in everything that we do. God created us for His pleasure. Let us fulfill the purpose of our creation by living a life that brings God pleasure.