Praying In The Proper Way. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW

in MCGI Cares Hive2 months ago

We pray to God as children talk to their father. We come to Him to tell Him how we are feeling. We pray to God for help over the many troubles which we are facing. Prayer offers us the opportunity to express our minds before God. Prayer is one thing which we have that encourages our faith in God.

God is ever willing to answer the prayers of his saints. He delights in the prayers of His righteous people. When we come to him praying with hearts that are cleaned of sin, He will answer us. God does not listen to sinners. The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination unto God. When we offer prayers, we should ensure that our hearts are free of offenses. God will not answer us if our hearts are not cleaned.

When we are praying we should pray in faith without any doubt. We should trust that God is able to do whatever we are asking of Him. If we doubt, we will not be able to receive our request from Him. We should believe in God and His ability to answer our prayers.


By humbly ourselves before Him to ask for anything because He is our father