Having a roof over ones head is very important.
Generally speaking most people own houses in the village, and rent house in town.
It can be a rented family house, selfcon or single room.
This depends on the one you can afford, and most importantly how many people that will be living in it.
Some places (landlords) have their own primary rules before accepting you to rent the house.
Like number of people that will stay in the rented apartment, and the price to pay.
Most places doesn't accept half payment, they only allow you to move into the apartment after paying for a year or half.
Some places uses apartment for rent as serious business, and they call these business men AGENTS.
Before you can find an apartment for rent you must consult them.
Their work is to find an apartment for you, like to find any available house.
Then you check if it suits your taste before proceeding with other things like meeting the house owner (landlord) and making payments.
The funny part is even if you find the house yourself without contacting an agent, before you move in.
They will bring someone that manages the house for you to settle the person, but it won't cost same with when you contact an agent at first.
Whenever the agent wants to show you any available house, you pay for the agent transportation fee and also ₦2000($2.65) for consultation fee.
Which they will toll you around showing you lots of no no houses.
You might end up contacting two-three agents before you find a not so good but manageable place, or a better place it depends on what you can afford and how you go about it.
(Photo taken by me)
This is a single room apartment, that the landlord was kind enough to tile the floor.
Which if you choose to stay in this place other things like repainting or repairs will be done by you with your money.
Then let's proceed to meeting the house owner (landlord), who will access you before agreeing to rent the house.
Below are payment requirements for a single room in my area :
House rent : ₦6000($7.94) per month for first renewal, which you will sum up and pay for a year.
Then subsequent monthly pay is ₦5000($6.62).Electricity fee : ₦15,000($19.85) for a year.
Toilet bill : ₦10,000($13.23) also for a year
Landlord drink : ₦10,000($13.23)
Then agent fee : ₦10,000($13.23) - ₦15,000($19.85) this depends on how you price or the relationship between you two.
Things to look out for in finding a place to stay.
Once the agent takes you to places that has high price rate (because they normally ask for your budget) or place that is very bad leave him and find another agent, because he will surely waste your time and transportation fare.
Make sure when paying for the place you go with a witness,and do not to fail to get a receipt of all your payments.
Preferably do not pay in cash, make transfer to the said account.
Go for a house that doesn't require much repairs, accept the house owner is willing to do the repairs with his/her money.
If is a single room, do not rent it if the house owner is living in the same building.
Do not fail to check if the roof is licking.
That's why it is advised to find a house during the raining season.
Do not be in a rush to find a place be patience and take your time, if not you might end up rushing into a place you won't be able to manage for few months.
Hopefully I didn't miss out the important ones.
Selfcon prices varies, solely depends on how large and comfortable the place is.
They also look out if it's fenced and has running water inside, so all these constitute to the amount for rent.
While single room price doesn't change more than the above said price, and they are usually the same room size.
Or a bonus when you take your time to find a good one.
Example, one that has kitchen space.
Or a place that the floor has tiles and a bit larger.
Thank you very much for reading all these.
This is my entry to Be frugal not Stingy community contest for this week, about a place to call home.
Which came with interesting questions to guide your write up.
Check out the contest here
And do well to join.
Dividers made by @thepeakstudio