Restructuring My City, Get Past 100 Income !

in dCity2 months ago

Dcity Post (36).jpg

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Following the 2 Wind Farm that were added to my city yesterday, I decide to do restructuring my city in order to get the max out of income. Let's check it out !

What is DCity?

Let me introduce DCity game, cause this game is not as popular as Splinterlands on this chain.

I'll recite from the official's dcity manual poit's st that you can check for more information about this game in their post

dCITY is a city simulator game based on Hive-Engine Non Fungible Tokens. The NFTs represent assets in the game. Each individual card a building, citizen, etc., and the total collection of your cards is your city. dCITY allow players to optimize their cities in terms of buildings, population, and income. The aim of the game is to buy new buildings, but also use diplomacy and tact with fellow players to achieve the materials you need to grow and prosper. Obviously, there are several ways you can approach this, but we’ll let you learn them on your own and test them out.

This is a numbers game, but with the added randomness of society. There will be events which can have either a positive or negative impact on your city, depending on how your city is built. Choose wisely when helping or refusing to help another player. They might need your help today, but you never know when you might need their help in the future.

Yap, this is a strategy game with complex calculation in order to get the profits.


Restructuring my City


On my latest post, I already told you that I bought 2 Wind Farm. This cause a major impact on my city cause it has a big stats effect. Each wind farm has 10 incomes if I have 20 workers. Seems normal ? yes, but here comes the main stats, -150 popularity and 45 tax refund ! With 2 wind farm, I I have 90 tax refund spare addition ! But the problem is my popularity is dropped a lot, it's even going into minus ! And this mean my population decreased as well, and in the end, my workers is getting smaller, and some building can't activate it's income effect.

The second reason is my previous post about the student NFT that has lower value on current market. These 2 major reason is enough for me to decide I need to restructurating my city.


Keep Some, and Sell Some

Now I need to identify which cards I have to keep and which cards I need to sell.

CardsIncomeWorkersRatioSpecial EffectKeep/Sell
Casino25102.5increase crime ratioWait n See
Church150.21 tax refundHang on Market
Farm6110.25 population and 5 popularityWait n See
Hotel10150.674 Population nad 5 popularityWait n See
Ice Cream Shop832.677 popularityKeep
Law Firm10101reduce 1% taxWait n See
Military Industrial Complex20300.671 war sharesWait n See
Music Store832.677 popularityKeep
Park-1-2 population and 5 popularityWait n See
Parking5512 popularitySell
Research Center3180.1675 popularity and 10 educationSell
University2140.149 popularity and 10 educationSell
Wind Farm10200.545 tax refundKeep 1, Wait n See the Other 1 (Might hang in on market)
Wind Turbine321.5-2 popularityWait n See

After mapping my city's building, I think there is some cards that I want to sell, especially those with low income:worker ratio. First there is the bank with 1.5 Ratio, I think I will sell it because it has low ratio. Next there is the casino which actually had pretty high ratio, but there is crime rate ratio increased and there is another building with higher ratio such as the ice cream shop and the music store, I will wait n See to see if the Income:Price ratio is lower. About the church, I think it's a great source of tax refund, but since I have some spare tax refund and looking for incomes, I think I will hang this card on market to remove it's effect cause it has low ratio. For the farm n Hotel, I want to wait n see cause they giving decent population in order to activate the other building cards. My plan is to activate the efficient building, and let the farm and hotel just to give the population without activating their effect. Ice cream shop and music store is a must to keep because they are having the highest ratio. Law firm having 1% tax reduce, but since the total of tax is above the 100%, I don't think it has an effect. About the military complex, the current war shares incomes is decreased and I think I will keep it inactive cause it has low incomes ratio. For the parking, it's a clear sell for me cause it has low ratio and no special effect needed. For the research center and university, graduation the student is not yet my priority, so I think about selling those cards and use the SIM for another building with better incomes ratio. For the Wind Turbine, I'm thinking about selling it as well cxause it has lower ratio, but I will wait n see and check about it's income:SIM price ratio before decide to sell it, cause as I remember it has low incomes and price ratio.


My Progress on the Leaderboard


Here is my city after the restructurating. I also bought 1 barber shop and 9 music store to max out my income based on my population. I have a deep regret here, cause I saw the barber shops are below 1000 SIM on the day I comment on my friend @dewabrata 's post about he got the barber shop. But today they price is even higher than music store after I bought the one on 1395 SIM, so I had to get the music store at 1500 SIM instead. I only focus on tax refund that day, should've bought some to spare another income I guess ?

I managed to get 104 SIM income and this put me on 235 position on the Income leaderboard.

My friend @arveno is sitting on 253 position with 81 SIM and @dewabrata is on 264 position with 62 SIM.


Sorry guys, I'm going a bit faster now, wish you guys can past 100 income sooner as well !


My Next Target

My focus would be getting more income , and it would required population as well. So I will hunt for cheap population and income cards. My target is to reach top 200 leaderboard soon !


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope you enjoyed this post. Are you playing Dcity ? If yes, where is your position on the leaderboard? Please let me know by put it on comment section below :)

If you are interested to play DCity, just visit their web

PS : This is not a financial answer, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

Meet me on Another Hive Game-verse :
Terracore : Just click this link
WOO : Visit WOO Website Here
Risingstar : Start the journey to become a star here
Splinterlands :
Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

DCity for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
Ryosai for many information and tutorial about DCity
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~



thank you

masih natalan.. habis tahun baru ntar saya kejar lagi yeee

siaap om


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@ramadhanight(1/5) tipped @ansu55

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