#sunrisesUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutsalfrin in #hive-102880 • 6 months agoQurator's Photo Quest | Lens Flare The sun with its shine highlights the nature of history in shadows of the past / El sol con su brillo destaca la naturaleza de la historia en sombras del pasadoENGLISH VERSION Every day on my way to my daily job, I always took the Caracas metro, taking an average of 45 minutes to go from my home to work. However, this day because I was goingalfrin in #hive-102880 • 10 months agoQurator's Photo Quest | Aircraft Plane heading to the rocks / Avioneta rumbo a los roquesENGLISH VERSION Los Roques is a paradise of white beaches and transparent waters but it is very difficult to get to and the only way to get there safely is by small plane, although talfrin in #hive-127788 • 10 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 220 WASPS CHANGE THE COMMON PLACE WHERE THEY MAKE THEIR NESTS TO SURVIVE / AVISPAS CAMBIAN EL LUGAR COMUN DONDE HACEN SUS NIDOS PARA SOBREVIVIRENGLISH VERSION Here we can see the thread-waist wasp or great sand digger. These wasps are not dangerous to humans unless their nest grows very large. They usually feed on insects sualfrin in #hive-127788 • 9 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 222 GREEN IGUANA HIDING THIS NATURAL BEAUTY FROM OUR DAILY STRESS / IGUANA VERDE OCULTA DE NUESTRO STRES DIARIO ESTA BELLEZA NATURALENGLISH VERSION Sometimes we spend in the midst of our stress and our thoughts of all our problems that fill our heads in such a way that our eyes doalfrin in #hive-127788 • 10 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun TIRELESS HOUSE CLEANER AGAINST COCKROACHES / LIMPIADOR DE CASAS INCANSABLE EN CONTRA DE LAS CUCARACHASENGLISH VERSION The tropical house gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia) This animal is an ally for pest control naturally since it eats baby scorpions, spiders, cockroaches, etc. beialfrin in #hive-127788 • 11 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: Starfish in the beautiful Venezuelan jewel of Los Roques / Estrella de mar en la bella joya venezolana de los roquesENGLISH VERSION This photo of what is known as a starfish, and I obtained this photo on a trip for an elective subject at the central university of Venezuelaalfrin in #hive-127788 • 10 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 216 Caracas SQUIRRELS / ARDILLAS CARAQUEÑAS ENGLISH VERSION Squirrels are beautiful animals that hang out in trees and are usually very nervous and very difficult to approach. Although in Venezuela the squiralfrin in #hive-127788 • 11 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 215 It seems innocent but it is careful / Parece inocente pero es de cuidadoENGLISH VERSION If you see this in your house and it seems harmless to you, it is time for you to check your home and even more so if this appears near your closet where yalfrin in #hive-127788 • 11 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun "SINGING THE AREA FOR THE ESCAPE" / "CANTANDO LA ZONA PARA EL ESCAPE"ENGLISH VERSION This image is of a capuchin monkey located in ARISTIDES ROJAS PARK on ANDRES BELLO avenue in Caracas Venezuela, where there are several large cages where there aalfrin in #hive-127788 • 11 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 213 LO DESPRECIAS AL VERLO PERO ES LA MEJOR AYUDA / YOU DESPISE IT WHEN YOU SEE IT BUT IT IS THE BEST HELPVERSION EN ESPAÑOL Los insectos es el orden de animales mas abundante y a la vez mas despreciados y no se ve el aporte de muchos de ellos. Al verlos la primera reacción es elimialfrin in #hive-127788 • 11 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 211 LITTLE BEAUTY HIDDEN BETWEEN SHADOWS Insects are the most abundant genus of animals of all existing species. They walk among us taking care of their lives and having a greater impact than we imagine. Wasps and…alfrin in #hive-127788 • last yearAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 210 THE CINDERELLA BUTTERFLY, a hidden beauty with its camouflageThis beautiful butterfly called CINDERELLA, WHITE PEACH BUTTERFLY , whose scientific name is ANARTIA JATROPHAE . Although it does not have the bright colors of other butterfalfrin in #hive-127788 • last yearAppreciate Beauty of Nature RAINBOW OF FLOWERS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CONCRETE JUNGLEThe rainbow is a wonderful phenomenon that we can enjoy a few times in life and under specific conditions. Near my mother's house in a building is this beautiful tree that haalfrin in #hive-127788 • 9 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 221 34 / 5.000 sheep in rescue of conscience / ovejas en rescate de la concienciaENGLISH VERSION One way to change the world and make children ecologically aware is to make them come into contact with it. This is why contact farmalfrin in #hive-127788 • 10 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 219 CHICHARRAS, a very noisy insect that sings for love. / CHICHARRAS, un insecto muy ruidoso que canta por el amor.ENGLISH VERSION Here you can see what is known in Venezuela as CHICHARRAS and in other places as CIGARS , which are insects known for making one of the loudest noialfrin in #hive-127788 • 10 months agoAppreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 217 OREGANO, a seasoning plant that scares away flies along with a beautiful beetle. / OREGANO, planta para la sazon y ahuyenta las moscas junto a un bello escarabajo.VERSION EN ESPAÑOL Mi mama es de origen andino, nació en el Táchira capacho, una zona antiguamente rural y que a tenido su desarrollo urbano reciente. Ella suele tener en sualfrin in #hive-150329 • 10 days agoPOBphotocontest The great guardian of Caracas el Avila / El gran guardián de caracas el Ávila.ENGLISH VERSION Caracas is a green city where you can see in many houses many plants that Caracas people put in their homes. ![](alfrin in #hive-150329 • 17 days agoPOBphotocontest New Round: CARS Between the discarded past and the bright future / Entre el pasado desechado y el futuro brillanteENGLISH VERSION As time goes by and technology evolves at an even faster pace, old technologies are increasingly relegated to a shorter time. This haalfrin in #hive-150329 • last monthPOBphotocontest New Round: BLUE Blue mountains of the firmament / Montañas azules del firmamentoENGLISH VERSION Art is one of the ways to beautify public spaces that are unattractive or even ugly and by making murals in those places you can beautify them by changing the face of thealfrin in #hive-150329 • last monthPOBphotocontest little angels with golden hair / angelitos de cabellos doradosENGLISH VERSION The color gold is one of the most pompous and beautiful colors that can be used to decorate or in art, thus highlighting that painting, sculpture, j