Every Monday should be a day of rest.

in Hive Learners11 months ago

If we think that we already have enough holidays, then why ask for another? Man will always ask for more no matter what we do or not do. The richest people on earth are the people that I know work more than the others. Why can't they just relax and spend the money they already have? The more you have, the more you need more.


In this case I will like to talk as a student. Just as already stated that we already have enough holidays, but the fact is that as students we always need more holidays so that we can rest. Let me use myself as a good example.

Last semester was very very long. It is very usually. We spent almost six months in just one semester. At the beginning of the semester we did not see this coming. We were so happy that we are at the end of our year three which means we will soon go for our teaching practice. As time goes on, we just could not hold it anymore. We have this lecturer that will want to come to school every hour is allowed in the name that he was given us the best. I in particular don't even want to hear his name anymore. Same with other students who started complaining and even when on to report him to the school authority. That didn't change anything. He kept doing what he knows how to do till the end of the semester. We all started praying for the semester to end. Hahahaha 🤣. As if it will not come to an end. We needed some break. To make matters worse fuel became too expensive that we pay triple for our transportation to compare to what we use to pay before. It was as if all hell was let lose. We finally went for break and today we tired of staying at home. We just want to go back to school. Personally I miss those lecturers that I was tired of seeing then. I want to go back to receive their lectures again. That is human for you. Nothing is ever enough for us. Today we want this and when it is given to us we want another thing again. We are insatiable. If men were God I believe that by now we would have been destroyed by now.

Back to the question, which day do I think I need not to work or go to school? Na Monday oo. Hahahaha 🤣. Monday is too busy for my liking. If only we can rest on Mondays let me see what will happen to that Monday that will not allow us rest. I don't know if I am speaking your mind. Maybe you should tell me what you think at the comment section. If you don't agree with what I said, then bring your own thought.

Starting from Monday we work till Saturday. Most companies work on Saturday. Even as a student I still go to school on Saturday. That practically means that I rest only on Sundays. For me I work more even on Sundays because of church activities. So, if Monday is giving as a day of rest, it will help me to have a full day of rest to myself.

This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 109, edition 3: We need more holidays.


I Agree with you on this Monday thing, Mondays are too stressful and busy, in my office I'd be running up and down trying to ensure everything is in place, then going to banks, it isn't easy so I agree with you, Mondays should be added to the weekend and then let Tuesday take care of itself as the beginning of the working week.

Everybody wants Monday off work🤣🤣 but I prefer to work on Monday and Friday should be off

Thanks for sharing your thoughts