The Good Man and the Hungry Dog

in FreeCompliments8 days ago

Once upon a time there was a poor man named Uncle Saleh who worked a simple job that every morning he would wake up early to go to work and after a long day of fatigue he would return home with a piece of dry bread and some old cheese which he would eat while sitting on the threshold of his small house.

One day while he was returning from work he passed by a ruin in the street and saw a skinny dog sitting on the side his eyes full of sadness and hunger and looking at anyone who might take pity on him The dog was exhausted his rib bones were visible and his face was sad as if he was begging for any morsel.

Uncle Saleh stood up looked at the bread he had then looked at the dog and felt his heart ache It is true that he was poor and his food was scarce but how could he eat while he saw this creature dying of hunger He took a deep breath split the loaf of bread in half and extended his hand to the dog.

The dog looked at him gratefully his face lit up as if he couldnt believe that anyone thought of him He calmly approached and took the bite and started eating it while looking at Uncle Saleh with eyes full of boundless gratitude Uncle Saleh smiled feeling a strange sense of relief as if his heart was filled with goodness.

The next day while walking on the same street he found the dog waiting for him by the ruins but this time there was something different his eyes were full of life and he moved his tail enthusiastically as soon as he saw him He ran towards him and kept licking his hand as if he was saying thank you.

From that day on the dog began to wait for Uncle Saleh every day and the man began to always take with him even a small portion of his food not only because of the dog but because he felt that goodness is not only in money but in the heart that can share even a little.


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