Every 60 Years, Terrible Monsters Attack People Who Live Behind Walls That No Longer Protect Them

in LeoFinance9 months ago

Hello our dear friends, we welcome you all to the #movierecaponleo. It's the 9th edition and we are glad to share with you the movie with the title above. Stay cool with some popcorn 🍿 and a banana drink 🍷 as you read or watch the recap.

If you understand English, you are free to listen to the video, and for better understanding, we decided to put it into writing so that it can be translated.



Several miles north of the Great Wall we meet William and his friend Pero Tovar fleeing from some horseback bandits, the two release some horses and watch their pursuers pass by without spotting them hidden.

At night in the desert Pero says they have a mission to complete, the mission is to obtain and understand gunpowder.
While William and Pero talk, the other two are killed by a monster William turns and discovers both are gone without a trace then they hear and realize it was a beast, not a man.
The beast advances on them and they are ready to attack, which they do and kill. Williams says they should take the beast's hand find out what they just killed.

In the morning they are chased again by bandits who want them dead but end up at the Great Wall where they encounter an impressive army and are quickly surrounded.
With few options, William and Pero dismount their horses, choosing to surrender to the Chinese rather than the bandits behind them. At headquarters, the commanders inspect the beast's arms, commander Lincoln confronts William asking where the hand was found. He says it wasn't found, It was taken.

She passes the information to the others as she knows both Chinese and English they are not surprised by the beast but by the timing of the attack earlier than expected. She asks William how they killed it and he says he was the one who killed it but no one believes him. However, a man confirms their story and sees green blood on the sword.

Lynn still thinks killing them is appropriate, Lynn asks why the two are there. He begins to explain that they are there to negotiate, Lynn wants him to die which some agree with, but one man opposes the decision before a real decision can be made, a soldier enters and announces that they are under attack. The general orders the intruders to be locked up and prepare for battle.
On the way to the dungeon, they learn the beasts are called T.A.O.T.A.I coming from a meteor and attacking once every sixty years.
Once in the dungeon, a guy can't find the key so he has orders to take them up to the wall.

Now on the wall, they see the soldiers the weapons, and both in abundance, everyone moves to their positions preparing for the fight ahead.
They wait patiently but nervously as creatures approach and the distance, they start preparing fireballs and shoot at the creatures, archers begin shooting arrows and kill many but there are thousands of beasts and they are truly monstrous. Eventually, they approach the wall and the blue soldiers act, they jump to strike the monsters before returning up if they're lucky.

William and Pero witness what's happening, the apparent queen of the beast shows up so they aim shooting many fireballs in her direction, but it doesn't work as they protect themselves in a dome.

The queen gives an order then they start climbing the walls, the general announces it's time for hand-to-hand combat, things are about to get ugly. Purple soldiers prepare to fight, and William and Pero realize they're in trouble if not fried. A young soldier named Pang stares at them and William tells him to fight. Then he advanced on the beast while the stranger frees the two captives. Pang attacks and stabs the beast and then is hit but now free William and Pero jump into action to help him, William breaks a spear and stabs the T.A.O.T.A.I but the beast is relentless even after Pero causes some damage. The thing lunches at the soldier but fortunately, he is skillfully pulled out of the way. it comes back again and William thrusts his spear into its mouth but the creature doesn't die pero passes another spear and that doesn't kill it, so they push deeper.

Pero grabs a red cloth, William takes a bow and arrow they start killing the beasts as if it were a bullfight the stranger who frees them fleeces from the beast then Pero pulls him out of the way and William slides underneath him and shoots the beast in the eyes, thus finishing it.

The queen calls all the creatures to retreat,
Lynn the generals approach them and they drop their weapons, they are informed they have earned the general's praise and are sent to rest in the barracks. William and Pero are woken up by the stranger, the man introduces himself as Ballard and asks what they are doing there and they say they came looking for gunpowder. After explaining what they are looking for, he says he came to China for the same reasons twenty-five years ago, he continues saying that finding the gunpowder and getting out alive are two different things. Later the two are invited to a banquet and are welcomed in the name of the general. Another general asks why William uses such a primitive bow compared to his level, Williams argues that his weapon is unsurpassed. The general asks him to demonstrate the effectiveness of such a weapon, william questions this decision but complies. He then asks Pero to grab a cup, they stand back to back and William eventually asks him to throw the cup at very specific measures, he shoots the first arrow hitting it toward the column, and a second and third keeping the cup suspended on the column.

Everyone is impressed and applauds such skill, back at the wall Lynn chooses the Bungie device they used during the battle and asks if he wants to try, he doesn't seem very interested because of the height but accepts the offer after she challenges him, she straps him in and says that in the army they don't fight for food, they fight for something greater than themselves.

She says they work with the trust to guide them and then he looks at her and refuses to jump saying he's only alive because he didn't trust anyone. Ballard shows them the gunpowder and says there are many weapons and things they haven't seen on the Great Wall and many things they should hope never to see. Finally, he says the right time to leave is when the battle begins. Later in the war meeting, William was asked where he got the stone in his bag and he says he found it.

Strategist Wang says they still may be useful to him, William asks where the T.A.O.T.A.I came from and am told about a legend over twenty centuries before him, there was an emperor whose greed brought suffering to China and its people, a meteor fell to earth and created the mountain from where the beast came turning green, the TAOTAI came every sixty years to remind them what happens when greed is unchecked, he warns that if they pass through the wall they will go to the capital and then
there will be no stopping them.

The queen will have enough food to create thousands and thousands more TAOTAI and no army will be big enough to face them.
Then at night, they find dead soldiers on the wall and wonder why the bodies were left behind,
alone beast is on the wall hunting so they advance hoping to kill it, as it approaches Lynn the general prepares to fight but another sneaks up behind them while the other advances. they kill the one in front of them and the general pushes Lynn out of the way killing the other but also getting seriously injured.

Then the general is carried on a stretcher and gives Lynn the power to command the nameless order, a command he gives with his last breath. They put him in a coffin to pay tribute soldiers line the wall and lanterns are released. now in the war meeting, they talk about a magnet which is the stone that William and Pero had when they arrived, one believes that's why William was able to kill the beast so easily. Lynn asks how they can prove this and William suggests capturing one and testing it to see what effect it has.
Then the next day with fog over the mountains, they fill their spears with a sedative agent and quietly wait to hear anything that might be coming to the wall.

Willian sneaks away after one of the soldiers is sent away, Meanwhile, Ballard and Pero are ready to leave, moments later we see that the beasts approached unnoticed and suddenly started attacking, Lynn tells the death squad to start the counterattack so they jump and attack the monster blades come out of the walls and start slicing the beasts.
William sees the battle but hesitates to leave, Ballard tells Pero they need to go but Pero knows they can't leave without William, because of his archery skills. The soldiers manage to Pin some of the beasts with their spears but another T.A.O.T.A.I take them out, one chance remains to catch the beast.
William returns and tells him to stop pulling and instead wait for the sedative to work, then they shoot some fireballs hoping to separate from the others, William grabs the arrows and goes down to the battlefield.

Lynn tells him to take the arrows that make a sound with the wind which helps to hear them approaching, he jumps and goes down the chain while the arrows pass by him and hit the towel tie. William ties up the sleeping T.A.O.T.A.I and they start to pull, suddenly he is attacked but he manages to kill the beast but a second surprises him in the back, suddenly Pero is there to help him.

They managed to kill one of the creatures but realized that fire was not stopping them then William shot arrows into the air and Lynn prepared weapons with black powder the arrows exploded they were thrown back and the walls opened, soldiers collected them and took them inside. Later William wakes up as they try to heal him, Lynn tells him that Pero is okay. She asks why he went beyond the wall, he responds that it was because of trust, he looks at his fingers and sees the black powder. She wishes he had never seen it because it's a terrible weapon they hope never to use. The fear that man's greed will use the gunpowder to cause devastation, but before leaving she tells him to forget what he saw.
Moments later everyone surrounds the beast with spears, when one places the stone near it and watches the unruly beast become docile, everyone is surprised by that reaction but one is more shocked when someone says to send it to the capital. He argues that they should study there but is informed it's an imperial order with that the captured T.A.O.T.A.I am taken away.
The T.A.O.T.A.I movement makes everyone prepare for battle, and parole and Ballard prepares to leave, Ballard questions how he knows William won't betray him. He says he doesn't know,
they returned to the ballad room or he took his stock of black powder.
William enters the room later to find they disappeared and the visible hole in the wall alerts them that they planned to escape.
Meanwhile, soldiers go down the wall and into a cave that extends underground, this shows that the T.A.O.T.A.I passed through there.

Lynn convinces her generals to discuss that now the T.A.O.T.A.I have access to the capital and are probably on their way. Desperate to reach the capital in time, they decide to use their new war balloons which have not been fully tested, Ballard and Pero reach the gates and put dynamite on them, it doesn't explode so Pero goes to check when he approaches, everything explodes pushing them back.

William hears the explosion and runs toward it, the soldier William saved follows him William finds them in the weapons room stealing and preparing to flee.
They try to convince him to flee with them but he believes in staying and fighting the T.A.O.T.A.I am more important, Pero says they are doomed and there's no reason, William rejects him saying he plans to stay and fight, and they knock things over him leaving him unconscious.

In the capital, the captured T.A.O.T.A.I am brought to the emperor, his advisors tell him that the magnet is an important discovery unfortunately they don't know what's coming. William was brought to the generals and Lynn, he tried to explain but she didn't want to listen she said that if she wasn't a general she would kill him but then Pang defended him saying he was telling the truth. then she ordered him to be imprisoned and go after those who escaped. Ballard betrays Pero and takes the horses on the wall the balloons take off for the skies.

William watches from his cell while some fail. Conveniently Lynn works and William is released being informed that the plan failed, the T.A.O.T.A.I am approaching the capital and Lynn says he must be released because the world is about to end, then he asks where she is and looks to the skies to the balloons that haven't
fallen. He asks if there's still a chance but is informed that only by killing the queen is there any chance of survival.

Then William goes in a balloon after her and his friend also goes with him. Ballard is found by the bandits and is tied up, they find his black powder and one falls in the fire causing an explosion, The soldiers arrive at the capital and are greeted by a lot of T.A.O.T.A.I, Lynn taxes the beasts but ends up falling to the ground and is quickly surrounded fortunately William arises with the balloon and rescues her, he grabs his spear and holds it while they float through the city with the beasts trying to reach them.

when gives Lynn a grenade which is thrown at an approaching beast causing it to explode, she asks why he's there considering she didn't release him but they don't have time to talk because they found the queen and that's an unpleasant site.

They land and are greeted by the emperor's guards, they go to the emperor who tells them it's too late but they say if they kill the queen it might end, the plan is to send the captured beast to its queen in hopes of blowing it up when it gets close thus killing the queen they take it through the underground canals to get close they are attacked but save their men although with some injuries.

William takes a look at his injured friend but he says he'll live and they continue down the corridor intending to come back for him
when the T.A.O.T.A.I find them, the young man makes the ultimate sacrifice of his life and blows himself up ensuring they can continue with the plan. They prepare the captured beast and open the doors before grabbing the magnet and slowly retreating the beast wakes up and wants to attack him initially but the magnet repels it so it leaves feeds and goes away.

They watch it is taken to the inner circle where the queen is, William and Lynn go to the top of the tower to get a clear shot while one stays with the magnet at the door, they shoot but the shot doesn't hit the target because the queen's protection makes the defense.

They climb higher but now the queen has seen them and has her creatures attack the tower. Pang throws the magnet and Lynn catches it but he is killed right after William shoots again. but the shot is deflected leaving the queen even angrier. William has one last shot of black powder before they are killed they jump from the tower and narrowly escape the creatures, William throws the magnet and Lynn takes the final shot. the queen swallows the explosive powder trying to stop the impending destruction but is unsuccessful, She explodes completely and dies.

They watch the T.A.O.T.A.I fall like zombies without a queen to command them. Sometime later back at the Great Wall, William finds Pero shackled, they joke a little before William reveals he was given a choice between black powder or taking his friend home.

He then frees Pero who is shocked that he chose him.
On the way home, the two bandits are escorted out of the wall, William looks back while Lynn watches him leave, Pero asks if he wants to go back and Williams says yes but he doesn't trust that his friend would get home whole.

The End

Thanks for reading through our movie recap on Leo, hope to see you in the next edition, and don't forget to say hello to us by dropping some comments 🤣🤣.

The screenshot was taken from the video edited with the snapseed app.

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At first I thought it was Attack on Titan 😀

Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣, I hope you enjoyed it?

I gave you an upvote but I have a criticism. If you are going to use the word "She", use the first name of the character that refers to her. In this case it is Lynn Lincoln, isn't it?

It is, thanks for you correction, I sincerely appreciate...