My Cleaning Activity for Today

in CLEAN PLANET18 days ago (edited)

“A sigh of relief from me”. Today is another great day I must say. Another busy and hefty one for me but I'm happy it's a success. One of the most crucial activities I did today is my cleaning activity.

I couldn't achieve my goal of carrying out my cleaning activity in the morning as I proposed but I couldn't afford to miss it this evening. On returning from school and having a short rest on the couch, I made my way outside and had the streets cleaned up.

When leaving for school this morning, I had to keep my face up to the sky so I wouldn't see the trash by the street because they seriously discomfort me. And while returning in the evening, I knew procrastinating might result in me missing it again tomorrow morning.

So I didn't procrastinate, I did what I needed to do at the right time and I'm happy because it made my day kind of complete as my proposed activities were all achieved.

Without writing much on the cleaning activity of today, I would love to let the photos speak. These were the photos I took while gathering the trash with my gloves into the trash bag.

After the bag was full and I compressed more trash to fit in, I made my way down to the waste container and properly disposed of the gathered trash.

Any individual with the mentality that living in a clean environment is proper won't dare to recklessly drop trash by the street, or even feel comfortable staying in littered surroundings.
For me, since I had learned the importance of clean environment and I've got to join the #cleanplanet community, I have developed a hate for dirty environments and I'm happy for myself and wish everyone the same.


Well detailed. Keep on the good work