cc: Thedadedge
People are like to rush everything. Everyone needs to do everything fast and perfectly which is kinda impossible for everything. In cooking, some foods have slow cooking methods. There are 2 dishes that I know it's good to take patience while making them. It's delicious and worth a wait. Those are Peking Duck with the traditional method and Rendang. It'll take more than 1 day just to make a Peking Duck and more than 8 hours to make Rendang. I know that chefs already improvised this to make it fast and easier but the taste is different. Sometimes a slow cook is best.

Rendang cc: Koranmemo
If it's something that we need to do long to get a good result, it's best to take a slow way and finish it beautifully. Fast isn't always bad, but sometimes giving more time to be better is worth more. It's not just in cooking, It also works on a project. I know there's always a deadline when it comes to projects. At least, give a reasonable amount of time to make it better. When a project manager says that needs to work for 200 hours and you as a project owner ask it to finish in 10 hours of course insane 😂. It's not about money. It's about time, workload, and team. If it really finishes in 10 hours, Are you sure it's good enough? Well, I just hope a project owner knows what they asked for. He will get what 10 hours of work can do.

cc: Unsplash
Of course, we also need to learn patience when everything isn't right. Panic and loss all the way isn't right. Take a deep breath and calm. Keep calm and do what is best for any circumstances. Rushing isn't the best solution. Sometimes we can miss something and make another problem with rushing.
Have a nice day and hope we never lose patience with everything.