Finding Inspiration: Uncovering Your Creative Spark.

in GEMS7 months ago

Greetings everyone. It's your favorite driver and teacher @etteuwad. Welcome to my blog. I'll be writing a checklist that can help, assist, guide, however you want to put it , one in finding inspiration.


Ideas are said to hit like a lightning, which is why it is sometimes called inspiration. Yet, the fact remains that finding it doesn’t have to be this way in particular; it does not have to be left to chance. It can, however, be actively sought and developed as an ingredient in an efficacious mental health policy. Below is a checklist to assist you in finding inspiration in your daily life and nurturing it.

Explore New Experiences

Another way that is employed to create novelties is by challenging a person or leaving him in what is referred to as the innovation zone. Bring out of your comfort zone and visit a new location, take up a new sport or go to a new kind of function. Thus every new experience can give new ideas and view on a problem or a situation that may boost your inspiration.

Embrace Curiosity

Permit yourself to be dizzy and ask questions. Learn as much as possible on subjects you want to explore like reading, watching documentaries of your desire, and enjoy general discussions. Curiosity gives one point to new knowledge and perceptions that can motivate one in ever surprising directions.

Connect with Others

Interact with those that in some way influence them or those that have similar hobbies as you do. Discussions with other people provide fresh ideas and even inspire one’s own innovative outcomes. Interacting with other people may help expose you to new ideas and approaches since people come from different backgrounds.


Make a Schedule for Contemplation

Include time dedicated for reflecting and thinking creatively into your schedule. It is crucial to allow oneself thinking and conceptulating; therefore, regardless of whether one writes a diary, meditates, or sits calmly. In some cases, the best ideas can be obtained when no one is bothering to disturb one and much time is spent in self-reflection.

Seek Out Nature

Scenery has a way of restoring one’s spirit that synthetic environment cannot offer. Take a walk in a park, a forest or beside the sea. It is possible to argue that the calmness of a related environment along with the penchant for an aesthetically pleasing design produce innovative ideas.

Learn from Failure

The last tip is do not fear failing. Every failure is teaching and gives opportunities for potential major advancements. One has to learn from his mistakes and instead of regretting on them, one should let them lead him to more inspiring directions.

Consume Diverse Content

Be cautious of what you pick, but do not limit yourself to just books and films: read, watch, listen to music, and look at art. The presence of diverse content can also be effective in presenting new concepts that could expand one’s vision for the creation and present fresh ideas and approaches.

Foster a Creative Environment

Design a place that fosters imagination. Keep your work environment filled with things that help to calm your mind and motivate you, maybe it is art on the wall or inspirational words, or materials necessary for work. Creativity also needs to be acted upon and a stimulating environment will help this in relation to your creative flow.

Practice Mindfulness

Meditations does away with mind noises and increases our concentration span. That way, you learn to pay attention to nuances of your reality; and when the muse arrives – punchline of a joke included – you’re right there.

Take Breaks

But, very often, it is possible for the best ideas to be created unconsciously – when a person does not work as a creative thinker. Have time for rest and relaxation as a person needs to be recoup now and then. Usually, this kind of involvement occurs when one is not over thinking about the idea or stressing on the technicalities of its implementation.


To sum up, I would like to stress that inspiration search is a rather individual and unsolved process. Therefore, one has to always look for new experiences, remain curious and also ensure that he or she provides a fertile ground for the creativity. Bear in mind that inspiration is not a simple idea but an evolutionary concept which seeks to unveil ideas in a creative, gradual and systematic manner.

Stay blessed 🙏
Your favorite driver and teacher

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