🏀 NBA Finals TenPlayerPool! Group Two (of 3) Number Drawing! 🏀

in #sgslife9 months ago (edited)


  • Ok it’s here! NBA Finals starts Next Thursday 6/6/24

TenPlayerPool Finals 🙌


  • Number Drawing for group one below!


whatever team wins 4 games first wins it all! So it will be 4 games minimum and possibly 7 games. Unlike the previous pools this finals will be taking all games into account.

So it will be Celtics VS Mavericks as it looks now but Mavs must win one more game before it’s official!

So this is an example of how it will work. It is all points added together. So example if the series goes 5 games ⬇️

⬇️ Example Only! ⬇️

Game One 123-111 final score = 234
Game Two 112-111 final score = 223
Game Three 99 - 97 final score = 196
Game Four 101-100 final score = 201
Game Five 133-122 final score = 255
All added together is 1109

We then add up all 5 games total and whoever matches the last digit wins the 100 HSBI per group!

So whoever had 9 in this example would win contest!


Spot 1 - @youloseagain
Spot 2 - @silversaver888
Spot 3 - @silverd510
Spot 4 - @methodofmad
Spot 5 @dfinney
Spot 6 - @thekittygirl
Spot 7 - @summertooth
Spot 8 - @davedickeyyall
Spot 9 - @sandymeyer
Spot 10 - @bitcoinman


I will be starting in order of spots won above.

Number Raffle Vlog 👇

Player Numbers ⬇️

@youloseagain - 6
@sikversaver888 - 8
@silverd510 - 5
@methodofmad - 3
@dfinney - 9
@thekittygirl - 4
@summertooth - 2
@davedickeyyall - 1
@sandymeyer - 0
@bitcoinman - 7

Those are the numbers for the Finals!!

Good Luck Friends!


One last review of how it works! ⬇️

The way our finals TenPlayerPools will work is all games in the Finals will be added together! So it won’t be a single game but instead every games total in the finals will be added together and whoever number matches the last digit out of what will be 4 - 7 total games wins. It will likely be a 4 digit final total so that last digit will be the winning number! For example if it’s 1345 that means the three spots with number 5 would win the 300 Basic Income Units (100 each)

Good Luck Everyone!



Good Luck 🏀🙌