So during my time in Da Lat on my first rather long vacation in many years we ended up accidentally staying in bungalows that are located on the inside of a cheap amusement park. There are no rides here, but there are a ton of attractions. Some people had said, when asked about what to do in Da Lat, Vietnam that it is a good place to "take pictures."
Well they weren't wrong about that.
This amusement park or I don't really even know what to call it, gets lit up at night and honestly, I don't understand why they bother seeing as how as far as I can tell the park isn't even open to the public at night so it seems like a big waste of electricity to me. Just myself and the few other people that are staying at the dozen or so bungalows even have access to the park at night so we had the place to ourselves.

Upon first approaching this I thought it was a bouncy castle, which would have been awesome if it was but alas, it was just plastic sheeting on metal. This park does not have the rights to use Disney likenesses, but just like a lot of things in SE Asia, nobody really gives a damn about the law and if Disney knew about this, they probably wouldn't even bother to sue because nobody would listen anyway.

Some of the displays, such as this temporary Christmas one, were pretty nice. It's just all the same sort of stuff though in that everything is metal with plastic sheeting over it. I should also point out that it was, by my standards, very cold outside at 13 degrees.

one thing that seems to be a mainstay of this park, which is called TTC World, is to feature various famous architectural wonders from around the world. France is represented multiple times in the park but I didn't think to take a picture of the Arc de Triumph, if that is even how that is spelled.

Lady liberty has never looked so good haha. The statue of liberty has both a statue located in the back near the Capitol building, but it seems as though very few park visitors actually make it back that far so this lit up one near the entrance probably gets a lot more action.
I may have mentioned before that when I first visited Vietnam I was kind of afraid that there would be some sort of residual anti-American feeling among the population because of that tiny little war you might have heard about. It's quite the opposite here though and that's good I guess. It's nice that people can let bygones be bygones. For the most part USA is rather celebrated here so if you are ever visiting and are from the US, know that the people here don't hold a grudge against us. They kind of like us a great deal actually.

There are a ton of places in the park to get your picture taken with wings but this one was my favorite. For some reason it made me think of tramp stamps and I don't have any idea why. The mind works in strange ways.

Overall I quite enjoyed the nighttime display and the fact that nobody was around and we had the place pretty much to ourselves was pretty wild as well. It is still remarkable to me that they turn all this stuff on until around midnight every single night even though nobody is around. Seriously, I saw one other person the entire time I was wondering around and also saw zero staff. Oh and if you look in the background of this last picture you can see a mish-mash of a bunch of different characters from various shows that this park is not authorized to use at all. Copyright be damned!
If you find yourself stuck in Da Lat, or visiting there intentionally, I guess you could do worse than TTC World. Almost all of the attractions in Da Lat are filled with gaudy crap like this one, so you may as well just come to terms with that. There is another park that is much worse than this one and I will get to that one next!