A simple and cozy design: Obispo 510 restaurant [eng/spa]

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Last Saturday I enjoyed a very special lunch with one of my dearest friends. We went for a walk along the busy Obispo street in Old Havana, which is full of museums, stores, bars, restaurants and other private businesses. After finishing our tour, we decided to have lunch at a restaurant called Obispo 510. I like to visit new places whenever I have the chance, and I found this one in particular very nice because besides the good service, its design is very unique.

El sábado pasado disfruté de un almuerzo muy especial con una de mis más queridas amigas. Salimos a caminar un poco por la concurrida calle Obispo, en la Habana Vieja; la cual está repleta de museos, tiendas, bares, restaurantes y otros negocios particulares. Luego de terminar nuestro recorrido, decidimos almorzar en un restaurante llamado Obispo 510. A mí me gusta conocer lugares nuevos siempre que tengo la posibilidad, y este en particular me pareció muy agradable porque además del buen servicio, su diseño es muy singular.



This establishment is located on a second floor, so it offers a lovely view if you decide to sit at the tables that are arranged on the balconies.
One of the peculiarities of this restaurant is that it has a style very similar to the iconic La Bodeguita del Medio.
This similarity is due to the fact that a written memento of the visit to the place can be left on the walls. Usually, people write their names, signatures, country or city of origin, and in the case of lovers, some nice detail that reflects their romantic relationship. I have always found this idea to be an excellent initiative, because it is a way of remembering pleasant moments from the past. The service clerk told me that the place has been in operation for almost 8 years, and the walls have never been painted so as not to affect any message.

Este establecimiento está ubicado en una segunda planta, así que ofrece una vista encantadora si decides sentarte en las mesas que están dispuestas en los balcones.
Una de las peculiaridades de este restaurante es que tiene un estilo muy parecido a la icónica La Bodeguita del Medio.
Esta similitud está dada porque en sus paredes se puede dejar un recuerdo escrito de la visita al lugar. Por lo general, las personas plasman sus nombres, firmas, el país o la ciudad de procedencia, y en el caso de los enamorados, algún detalle bonito que refleje su relación romántica. A mí esta idea siempre me ha parecido una excelente iniciativa, porque es una forma de recordar momentos agradables del pasado. El dependiente de servicios me comentó que el local ya tiene prácticamente 8 años de funcionamiento, y jamás se han pintado sus paredes para no afectar ningún mensaje.




On the walls there are also some photos of old Havana, which can be appreciated by their monochromatic tonality and the different look of some of the locations of the city that are shown. One of the photos I saw even seems to be a page torn out of the well-known Life magazine.
There are also some figures drawn with very vivid colors, which at least to me look like graffiti created indoors.

En sus paredes hay además algunas fotos de La Habana antigua, lo cual es apreciable por la tonalidad monocromática de las mismas y lo diferente que lucen algunas de las locaciones de la ciudad que se muestran. Incluso, una de las fotos que observé, parece ser una página arrancada de la muy reconocida revista Life.
También hay algunas figuras dibujadas con colores muy vivos, que al menos a mí me parecen grafitis creados bajo techo.




The lounge furniture consists of tables set up for two, four and six customers. The chairs are lined with olive green damask, and the tables have wooden tops.
It is visible that the place was once a private house, it even seems to be a building from the colonial period of Cuba, where the constructions had a very high prop to face more easily the high temperatures and humidity that have always characterized the climate of the island. The doors are also very high.

El mobiliario del salón está integrado por mesas habilitadas para dos, cuatro y seis clientes. Las sillas están forradas con un damasco de color verde aceituna, y las mesas tienen sus sobres de madera.
Es visible que el local en algún momento fue una vivienda particular, incluso parece ser una edificación de la etapa colonial de Cuba, donde las construcciones tenían un puntal muy alto para enfrentar con mayor facilidad las altas temperaturas y humedad que siempre han caracterizado el clima de la isla. Las puertas también tienen gran altura.



The lamps also look very old, and at least during the day, the lighting in the premises is adequate because it receives a lot of natural light, which is reflected through the glass that the doors and windows have.

Las lámparas también lucen muy antiguas, y al menos de día, la iluminación en el local es la adecuada porque se recibe mucha luz natural, que es reflejada mediante los cristales que poseen las puertas y ventanas.



The bar where drinks are served is quite large, considering the size of the restaurant. It has a fairly simple design, but very much in keeping with the rest of the visual dynamics of the restaurant.
In this area, the wall is painted in a blue tone, which imitates the color and texture of the old wood of the windows and doors. It has the symbol of the Havana Club rum brand, which is very well known in the country and worldwide, as well as a decorative car plate that says: Cuba.

La barra por la cual se expenden las bebidas es bastante amplia, teniendo en cuenta el tamaño del restaurante. Tiene un diseño bastante sencillo, pero muy acorde al resto de la dinámica visual que se sigue en el local.
En esa área la pared está pintada de una tonalidad azul, que imita el color y la textura de la madera antigua de las ventanas y puertas. Esta tiene el símbolo de la marca de rones Havana Club, que es muy reconocida en el país y a nivel mundial; además de una chapa de auto decorativa que dice: Cuba.





Original content by @indipnash91
📸 Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
Editing: Canvas
Translation: DeepL
Discord: indipnash91
X: @NashP91986
Reddit: indipnash91

Contenido original por @indipnash91
📸 Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
Edición: Canvas
Traducción: DeepL
Discord: indipnash91
X: @NashP91986
Reddit: indipnash91


How beautiful and cozy the restaurant looks dear Indira.
Already noted for a visit, thanks for showing us your unique design.
Happy Monday 🌹🌷🏵️🌻🌼🪻🌺🌸🪷💐💮🥀🍀

This place is very nice, it looks like you are enjoying a delicious lunch with your family

I found it to be a very pleasant place with an old-fashioned design. I really like leaving messages, it is important to carry a pencil. Greetings, friend. Nice interior design, I liked the graffiti.

Oh yes!!! I forgot to recommend a pencil to visit this place, there as important as cutlery 😅


Hello my dear @indipnash91 I liked to know this little restaurant, it looks very cozy and we can leave the mark of our passage there. Nice day 💐🌻🤗

I recommend it, the design is very nice. Even the food was tasty and reasonably priced, the hostess is super friendly.

Hi @indipnash91, the restaurant has a simple and cozy design, the decoration and the murals are curious; I loved the idea of leaving messages on the walls, they look very nice and colorful, they are also a very original decoration that gives a great style to the place.

Thanks for sharing your visit!

One of the things I like most about the place is being able to leave that written memory of the visit, although I recognize that the staff's attention was also very welcoming

if seen from the eye the signature on the wall makes the wall look dirty. but some people must like it because there are many memories there @indipnash91

The idea is to leave an experience on the wall. Thanks for your comment @maytom 😊


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