Hello Everyone
Welcome to my blog.
You are logged onto my relationship rant edition.
A male friend of mine was ranting, "What do women want?" and bitterly complaining about his girlfriend recent attitude.
I calmed him down, and I thought to myself.
So, it's one little misunderstanding or issue with your girlfriend that will make you come up with. "What do women want?"
He must have heard it somewhere and decided to do his own conclusions too, without checking the fact.
Forgetting that himself can't be satisfied with human effort.
Besides, the signs started earlier before he noticed.
I had to tell him I would give him some tips on how to go about his issues with his girlfriend through my opinions.
Then, I told him he could do the same with me.
With it, both of us can use that as a channel of understanding, experience, and move on.
His first question was.....
Why doesn't my girlfriend talk to me anymore, like talking about how it is doing her other than sitting in a corner crying.
My opinion.
She stopped talking to you because you stopped listening.
When I am connected to someone and all of a sudden, you tend not to keep up with what I am talking about something.
For example, I told you I was going to get a particular book today.
The next day, a talk came up, and I was like I will be going to the bookstore to get that book.
Then you couldn't remember the book.
I wouldn't share things with you again because you just showed you aren't interested.
Also, your concerns and reactions to what I share with you today determine how and if it will go tomorrow .
When it comes to relating with someone, nobody is perfect.
It can only work out with patience, perseverance, and determination to make it work.
I am just going to drop my rant and talk here for now.
Thank you very much for stopping by my blog 😊
See you around.