Buying Ban

I'm going to avoid any and all online marketplaces for a while because I can't keep going on the way I am.


When Buying Becomes Self-Destructive

I need to sort myself out and cop the hell on, honestly. It's beyond a joke at this point, and I have no idea where this urge to blow through everything I've got in no time.

It's like I'm playing a game of 'go for broke,' by myself.

I'm usually very conscious of money, savings, and generally, staying below my means. I'll think long and hard about spending €20 - €30, but it seems as though a few floodgates opened up with some fairly small purchases, and then - before I knew it - I was dropping hundreds within the space of a couple of weeks.

They've not been completely selfish purchases either. But, a good 70% of my recent outgoings have been for stuff I want/ have wanted for a while.

I see something I want and kind of FOMO into buying it because I'm afraid of someone else buying it first. There's this weird mindset when it comes to it as if it's the last one on earth and if I don't get it now I'll never get it. Weird mindset, but looking back at it, that's pretty much what's going on.

Also, the feeling of suffocating beneath the weight of my possessions has started to become apparent. I literally don't have enough room for these mountains of things and all I can think to do is put it into storage, but then, what was the point of buying it in the first place?

Buying To Sell

I've still been buying the odd deal here and there to sell on and flip, but even those purchases have taken a bit of a backseat recently.

The stuff I have been buying though has basically remained unphotographed, sorted, or listed because I literally don't have time to do so.

I think what I need is a day where I'm not working or doing anything else so I can some stuff sorted, photographed, and listed. Because I need to start cutting down on the bits I'm selling to make room for the stuff I'm keeping.

I don't really have any buyer's remorse for the new addition to my collections, but I also don't have complete joy, mainly because the place has become a bit too cluttered for my liking.

A day, or maybe even 2 days is what I need I think, just to get on top of everything.


That’s not good man - if they are collectors things I know that it’s cool to have them but you should probably sell them. The days of past where people could buy a decent house and fill some spaces with random collector stuff is largely gone. It would serve you better to get some money back or make a little profit off the things!