I was counting down the minutes in work, and as soon as the time was up, I ran out of there. I got to the off-licence and grabbed a few beers (and some tobacco) I gave up a couple of weeks ago, but I have a few if I'm going out drinking.
Aimee bought me this speaker a few years ago.
There's nothing better than the build-up to a gig. Throwing on some music, cracking a beer, and having some carefree chats before we have to go for the bus.
To make the day better, the sun is out strong, and it feels like spring.
As I was walking to work this morning, I got the smell of spring, and it left me feeling really excited for this summer.
The last few have been so dull and misreble, but hopefully, this one will be good.
Finally, on the bus.
I hate the waiting around before going somewhere. I find myself pacing, constantly checking the clock to make sure we're not late. I don't neccesarly let it interrupt my day, or the craic we're having.
But, it's always a niggle in the back of my mind. We're here now, though, on the way to Dublin, and the night is going to be kickass!