Fabio Restaurant, beautiful design and organic food [en/es]


Hello friends of Arquitectura + Diseño!

Today I want to share with you a nice place located in Havana, municipality Plaza de la Revolución, on 17th street between I and J, in the central neighborhood of Vedado. It is the Fabio restaurant. Formerly, this place was a pizzeria with a discotheque on the upper floor, where recorded music was played. Recently, it has undergone a product reconversion. According to what the manager told me, this transformation has not yielded the expected results, which indicates that the previous market study may have been insufficient. Despite this, I can't help but appreciate the beautiful design of the premises, which is the main reason I share it in this community.

¡Hola amigos de Arquitectura + Diseño!

Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un bonito lugar ubicado en La Habana, municipio Plaza de la Revolución, en la calle 17 entre I y J, en el céntrico barrio del Vedado. Se trata del restaurante Fabio. Antiguamente, este lugar era una pizzería con una discoteca en el piso superior, donde se escuchaba música grabada. Recientemente, ha sufrido una reconversión de producto. Según me dijo el gerente, esta transformación no ha dado los resultados esperados, lo que indica que el estudio de mercado previo puede haber sido insuficiente. A pesar de ello, no puedo dejar de apreciar el bonito diseño del local, que es la principal razón por la que lo comparto en esta comunidad.



The building has two floors, the restaurant is located on the first and focuses on environmentally friendly service. This type of food is very healthy and attracts many foreign groups looking for this type of food. National tourists do not offer much interest in this service, it is usually a bit expensive and the country has a difficult economic situation.

El edificio tiene dos plantas, en la primera se ubica el restaurante y apuesta por un servicio respetuoso con el medio ambiente. Este tipo de comida es muy saludable y atrae a muchos grupos extranjeros que buscan este tipo de comida. Los turistas nacionales no ofrecen mucho interés en este servicio, suele ser un poco caro y el país tiene una situación económica difícil.


I took the opportunity to take some pictures while there was an inpasse in the service. I was impressed by the order and cleanliness of the place. Although I did not go to consume, I would have liked to do it in that place, I like healthy food and clean environment, but I attended this place because of a meeting that was being held in a reserved room that is rented for small business meetings. I hope to have the opportunity to go there as a client someday because I liked it very much.

Aproveché para hacer algunas fotos mientras había un inpasse en el servicio. Me impresionó el orden y la limpieza del lugar. Aunque no fui a consumir, me hubiera gustado hacerlo en ese lugar, me gusta la comida sana y el ambiente limpio, pero asistí a este lugar por una reunión que se celebraba en una sala reservada que se alquila para reuniones de pequeñas empresas. Espero tener la oportunidad de ir algún día como cliente porque me gustó mucho.



This restaurant is distinguished by the striking colors of its stained glass windows located above the large windows, as well as by three awnings on the outside that follow the sequence of red, white and green colors. If we observe the architecture, we will see that it is modern and square in shape.

Este restaurante se distingue por los llamativos colores de sus vitrales ubicados sobre los amplios ventanales, así como por tres toldos en el exterior que siguen la secuencia de colores rojo, blanco y verde. Si observamos la arquitectura, veremos que es moderna y de formas cuadradas.



In the outer portal, under the awnings and pergolas, there are comfortable wooden seats with cushioned cushions where visitors can wait their turn to enter the restaurant. Next to them, there are planted flowerbeds that add a very nice green touch to the restaurant. In the corner of this wide exterior door is a sign identifying the restaurant with its name and a guitar, announcing the music of the Troba, which characterizes the nightclub located upstairs.

En el portal exterior, bajo los toldos y las pérgolas, hay cómodos asientos de madera con cojines acolchados donde los visitantes pueden esperar su turno para entrar en el restaurante. Junto a ellos, hay parterres plantados que añaden un toque verde muy agradable al restaurante. En la esquina de esta amplia puerta exterior hay un cartel que identifica al restaurante con su nombre y una guitarra, que anuncia la música de la Troba, que caracteriza al centro nocturno situado en el piso de arriba.



The main room of the restaurant is L-shaped, with varnished wooden chairs and tables. The small hanging lamps on the ceiling, which at first I thought were made of another material, are also made of wood, which combines perfectly with the ecological character of the place. At the back of the restaurant, there is a wooden design on the wall, to the left is a small bar with a mahogany bar. The design of the whole place is quite simple, in harmony with the type of service they offer.

La sala principal del restaurante tiene forma de L, con sillas y mesas de madera barnizada. Las pequeñas lámparas colgantes del techo, que al principio pensé que eran de otro material, también son de madera, lo que combina perfectamente con el carácter ecológico del local. Al fondo del restaurante, hay un diseño de madera en la pared, a la izquierda hay un pequeño bar con una barra de caoba. El diseño de todo el local es bastante sencillo, en armonía con el tipo de servicio que ofrecen.




One of the restaurant's decorations resembled drops of water, made of glass filled with soil, with pots and plants underneath, adding a green note to the restaurant's interior.

Una de las decoraciones del restaurante se asemejaba a gotas de agua, hechas de cristal relleno de tierra, con macetas y plantas debajo, lo que añadía una nota verde al interior del restaurante.


The room set aside for the meeting was small, but with various shelves and ledges surrounding the large central table. Inside a sideboard was the crockery, all made of earthenware, including the coffee cups. The shelves were decorated with handcrafted objects made of ceramics, wood and vegetable fibers.They gave us a delicious meat dish with sweet potato puree and vegetable salad.

La sala destinada a la reunión era pequeña, pero con varias estanterías y repisas que rodeaban la gran mesa central. Dentro de un aparador estaba la vajilla, toda de barro, incluidas las tazas de café. Las estanterías estaban decoradas con objetos artesanales de cerámica, madera y fibras vegetales. Nos dieron a degustar un rico plato de carne con pure de boniato y ensalada de vegetales




I liked this restaurant very much, it breathes a lot of neatness, which for me is fundamental, and there is also a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. I hope you liked it too. I invite you to enjoy the photos and, when you have the opportunity, visit this place where the menu is ecological and healthy. See you soon!

Me gustó mucho este restaurante, se respira mucha pulcritud, que para mí es fundamental, y además hay un ambiente tranquilo y apacible. Espero que a ustedes también les haya gustado . los invito a que disfruten de las fotos y, cuando tengan la oportunidad, visiten este lugar donde el menú es ecológico y saludable. ¡Hasta pronto!


Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Xiaomi Note 11, unidas y recreadas en canva.
Usar Traductor DeepL

The photos were taken with my Xiaomi Note 11 phone, joined and recreated in canva.
Use Translator DeepL


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This restaurant is beautiful, I also like its stained glass windows and colors. I hope that soon, you will be able to go there as a customer and taste one of their dishes. Greetings.

Thank you friend for your comment, the place is very nice and clean 👍🏽❤️

Se ve un bonito restaurante, gracias por las fotografías todas excelentes 👌

Gracias amiga es muy colorido ese restaurante .

Thank you friend, the restaurant is very colorful

Hermana @lileisabel , que bonito has puesto el restaurante. Pensé que ese restaurante había cerrado, es un lugar encantador. Gracias por compartirlo, siempre me llenas de bonitos recuerdos con tus posts 🌹🌷🌷🌻🪷🏵️💐🪻🌺💮🥀🌸🌼☘️

Sister @lileisabel , how beautiful you have posted the restaurant. I thought that restaurant had closed, it is a lovely place. Thanks for sharing, you always fill me with nice memories with your posts 🌹🌷🌷🌻🪷🏵️💐🪻🌺💮🥀🌸🌼☘️

Si Hermania was closed for a while and reopened as an organic restaurant, not the old pizzeria it was.

It's great 🌹

Muy lindo el lugar y la decoración es espectacular.
Very nice place and the decoration is expectacular.

It is quite simple but very organized and clean.

La remodelación del restaurante quedó muy bonita, se puede apreciar en tus fotos cuán atractivo es su diseño interior. A pesar de que soy amante de las pizzas, que era el producto anterior, me gusta mucho esa nueva vertiente de comida sostenible, necesitamos más lugares así

The remodeling of the restaurant was very nice, you can see in your photos how attractive the interior design is. Although I am a pizza lover, which was the previous product, I really like this new sustainable food, we need more places like this.

That's right, dear, especially because we take care of our health, I'm also a pizza lover, but you have to take care of yourself haha

I like the colors, it looks like a great place with a nice design that gives you a good vibe to be with your family. Greetings!

Yes, you are absolutely right, it is a place for the family.

Amiga, thank you for showing us that nice restaurant, your photos captured all the beauty of it. I would like to visit it someday. Regards, have a nice week.

Amiga, gracias por mostrarnos ese lindo restaurante, tu fotos captaron toda la belleza del mismo. Me gustaría ir de visita algún día. Saludos, que tengas una linda semana.

Gracias querida , es muy bonito y la comida súper saludable ☺️

Thank you dear, it is very pretty and the food is super healthy ☺️

What a beautiful and cozy place. I really liked its interior, I have never really gone inside. Thanks for sharing.

It's very pretty and the food is healthy, thanks for stopping by friend.

Saludos amiga, muy lindo el local, me gustaron mucho las gotas de agua, las vasijas colgantes, el lugar parece muy tranquilo, algo paradógico, ya que antes era un disco jj, Saludos, Excelentes tomas 💯🌻✌️

Greetings friend, the place is very nice, I really liked the drops of water, the hanging vessels, the place seems very calm, somewhat paradoxical, since before it was a jj disco, Greetings, Excellent shots 💯🌻✌️

Si amigo , hicieron un cambio de producto , muy lindo el local , muy limpio y ordenado , pero a decir verdad me gustaba más la pizzería, la discoteca de la parte superior si la cambio por la música de la Trova que se pone ahora jaja

Yes friend, they made a change of product, the place was very nice, very clean and tidy, but to tell the truth I liked the pizzeria better, the nightclub at the top if the change for the Trova music that is playing now haha


Greetings friend, what a nice place, everything looks very clean and tidy, plus the atmosphere is cozy, I liked the colorful stained glass windows and the awning, they are very striking and invite visitors to know this building, the decor is simply charming.

Happy Wednesday!

Thank you very much friend, I am very happy that you like its design, but it also has super organic, very healthy food 👍🏽😋

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Thank you very much @aplusd, very happy as always and happy to be part of this community

Much appreciated dear @lileisabel. It is always a tremendous privilege to serve you. Thank you for your valuable contributions! 😀