My Actifit Report Card: October 4 2024: cleaning up our hive office.

in Actifit5 months ago

Am back again with my actifit report for today Friday the 4th day of October 2024.

As it's always my habit to start my charity from home, I engaged into some home chores which includes walking from one end to another performing important chores which lasted from 6-10am.

By 11am, I left home to our local hive office located here in my city. Myself and my mentor @fokusnow the previous day planned to tidy up the office today. So, I was already prepared to do the work.

But, surprisingly, do you know what I saw as I reach the office? Wow!!, he had started the work already. Therefore, without wasting much time, I followed up.

I swept the whole office both interior and exterior lolz. Done with sweeping, take a look at the shape.

Not yet neat right? I understand. Relax, because mopping stick, detergent, water and my hand are going to work shoulder-to-shoulder to make things happen.

Yea, after mopping, it's now sparkling right? thanks to almighty God for giving humans the knowledge on how to produce detergent. Am just imagining how our world would have look like without detergent or soap.

After mopping, @fokusnow took his time to arrange the desktops and chairs to suit the purpose. What's the purpose? we are going to run hive meetup soon at the office. Therefore, there is need to arrange things properly.

Could you believe that this is our former hive office? The change is clear right? We rearranged both the chairs, desktops, tables and other things. After arranging the entire office, we covered all the desktops to protect them from dust. So this is the look.

But our sole aim is to get this kind setting on seminar days.

And whenever there is no seminar, we will also have this free movement.

The work lasted down till 5pm. Then, I left the office back home. So, I can say in a sentence that my actifit report for today was all about walking, moving around, home chores and climbing of stairs.(Yea, I climbed stairs severally either to buy the needful or to pour away dirty water while doing the work.

My people, that's all for today. Thanks for your expensive time spent as you're reading. I appreciate you so much.

I love you. Byeeee.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

House Chores, Moving Around Office, Stair Climbing, Walking


This is lovely, the office is really sparkling clean. You guys really tried. Good job.

My dear good friend, the work exhausted Me like say tomorrow no dey. I felt more than exhausted and he too felt same.


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