Hola amigos de @fulldeportes feliz sabado que parece domingo, o bueno al menos para mi 😂 ando con el tiempo defasado la verdad, no han sido los mejores dias por aca, hay muchas cosas que han pasado, pero eso si, nunca he dejado de entrenar, y aunque cada dia me cueste hacer el reto, he llegado al dia 60 de 100, es decir mas de la mitad, y me siento super orgullosa de mi, la verdad no crei que llegaria hasta aca 😂 pero cada dia solo pienso "una cesarea es mas fuerte" y sigo jajaja aunque parezca una broma, me.lo repito siempre jajaja
Mañana ya cambian nuevamente las repeticiones y aunque tengo miedo, se que tambien voy a cumplirlas 💪 obvio les estare contando por aca, pero les dejo el ultimo video con estas repeticiones👇
50 Burpees
150 Saltos
250 Sentadillas
50 Flexiones
150 Saltos
Video grabado con mi Infinix hot 40i
Editado en Capcut
Portada editada en PicsArt
Hello friends of @fulldeportes happy saturday that seems like sunday, or at least for me 😂 I'm walking with the time defasado the truth, have not been the best days around here, there are many things that have happened, but yes, I have never stopped training, and although every day it's hard for me to do the challenge, I have reached day 60 of 100, that is more than half, and I feel super proud of me, I really didn't think I would get this far 😂 but every day I just think "a cesarean is stronger" and I keep going hahaha although it seems like a joke, I do. I repeat it every time hahaha
Tomorrow the reps are changing again and although I'm scared, I know I'm also going to do them 💪 obviously I'll be telling you about it here, but I'll leave you the last video with these reps👇
50 Burpees
150 Jumps
250 Squats
50 Pushups
150 Jumps
Video recorded with my Infinix hot 40i
Edited in Capcut
Cover edited in PicsArt
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