We took the reflection shots in a playhouse (ShadowHunters) [Esp/Eng].

Hola a todos los apasionados que semanalmente visitan esta hermosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  Espero que todos se encuentren bien y estén pasando un maravilloso día; hoy como cada semana estoy aquí para participar de este maravilloso ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  Todos ya saben que amamos participar de este desafío, y siempre disfrutamos salir en compañía de mis seres queridos en busca de objetivos para fotografiar

Source: Family Álbum

Hello to all the passionate people who weekly visit this beautiful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  I hope you are all well and having a wonderful day; Today, like every week, I am here to participate in this wonderful ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  You all know that we love participating in this challenge, and we always enjoy going out in the company of my loved ones in search of objects to photograph

Cuando mis abuelos están organizando un paseo para salir en busca de reflejos para fotografiar, lo primero que se viene a mi cabeza es la ribera, porque allí hay muchas cosas que pueden dar reflejos, como la superficie del agua del rio, los vidrios de los ¨vehículos¨, o los frentes vidriados de los edificios

Source: Family Álbum

When my grandparents are organizing a trip to go out in search of reflections to photograph, the first thing that comes to my mind is the riverbank, because there are many things there that can give reflections, such as the surface of the river water, the windows of the "vehicles", or the glass fronts of the buildings

Por eso nunca me sorprendo cuando abordamos el ¨autobús¨ que se que los lleva a la costa, se que cuando se trata de reflejos este es el lugar ideal por todo lo que mencione anteriormente, además, es el lugar favorito de toda la familia, y nos encanta lo bien que se siente al estar allí

Source: Family Álbum

That's why I'm never surprised when we get on the "bus" that takes them to the coast, I know that when it comes to reflections this is the ideal place for all the reasons I mentioned above, plus it's the whole family's favorite place, and we love how good it feels to be there

Descendimos del ¨autobús¨ en la terminal, y desde allí caminamos unas quince cuadras para fotografiar un edificio que tiene un frente hermoso, aunque la toma de portada estaba muy lejos y no se puede apreciar bien los reflejos en sus vidrios; lo bueno es que después nos acercamos e hicimos las tomas de reflejos de sus vidrios y como ven salieron hermosos

Source: Family Álbum

We got off the "bus" at the terminal, and from there we walked about fifteen blocks to photograph a building that has a beautiful front, although the cover shot was very far away and you can't really see the reflections in its windows; The good thing is that afterwards we came closer and took the reflection shots of their windows and as you can see they came out beautiful

Me encanto como mi abuela pudo capturar con su ¨teléfono¨ ¨móvil¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ los reflejos de la naturaleza en el vidrio, sin dudas son tomas hermosas y vale la pena mostrar en este desafío, sé que a la mayoría de las personas que vistan mi post les gustara, estoy muy segura, ya que mi abuela hace tomas hermosas

Source: Family Álbum

I loved how my grandmother was able to capture with her ¨mobile¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ ¨phone¨ the reflections of nature in the glass, without a doubt they are beautiful shots and it is worth showing in this challenge, I know that most of the people who see my post will like it, I am very sure, since my grandmother takes beautiful shots


Source: Family Álbum


When it comes to going out in search of reflection, the river bank is an excellent option, there are always very beautiful things to photograph

Grandma's reflection photographs are beautiful

The truth is that I really like visiting this part of the city, as you say, there are many things that make beautiful reflections

Gaby takes beautiful photos. Thank you very much

Que grandiosos esos reflejos en los ventanales, me encantan!!! Muy buen trabajo!! Que pases un hermoso día!

Estos frentes vidriados dejan ver claramente los reflejos de la naturaleza y eso me fascina

Muchas gracias @avdesing


Nice reflection pictures, dear @miprimerconcurso 😍! That is very good that you participate in every round, and I am always glad to see you in our contest

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Hello lady @olgavita good day

The whole family loves the challenge, that's why I try to always be there

Thank you very much

Shadows and reflections awesome job my friend
Have the greatest day
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection
@benthomaswwd (5).png

Project Moderator - @benthomaswwd
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Thank you very much @benthomaswwd

Your grandmother is a great photographer, the reflection is superb

Thank you very much @ijelady

Thank you very much @colmena-179017

Wonderful shadow hunting experience.