5 minute freewrite 2375 prompt unfortunate mistake

in Freewriters10 months ago


this is my post for #freewriters 2375 prompt unfortunate mistake hosted by @mariannewest

Today we had to deliver areca palms to a lady who came by yesterday afternoon. When someone wants us to deliver them to their house, we always have them come and pick out which ones they want. She did not have cash on her and said she would go get it and return but we talked for a bit and my husband asked if she could pay us when we delivered them, she said she had to work and would not be home until after 5:30, we did not want to go that late so we asked if there was a place at her house where she could leave the money. She said she would leave it under the front door matt, which she did. She lives in a gated community and when we pulled up to her house the neighbor across the street came out of her house and wandered around, doing nothing. We could tell she was keeping an eye on us as I walked up to the front door and got the money from under the matt. It was nice to see a neighbor looking out for another neighbor.

I had to have bloodwork done for the surgery I am going to have on my hand so I went online and made an appointment for 1:40, we left the house at 1:30 and when I went inside the testing place you no longer get to talk to a person, you sign in on a machine and it told me that I did not have an appointment and if I wanted to be a walk in it will be an hour wait. I do not know what happened but it was an unfortunate mistake since my husband was waiting in the truck. I stood by the door so I could talk to the lady who came out to call the next person, a woman came out the door, she was someone who was getting blood work, and she started yelling at me, saying "I can not let you in there, I will get in trouble" I say I did not ask you to let me in, I am waiting to talk to someone. She went out the front door still yelling back at me about how she could not let me in the door. Everyone was looking at me so I said louder "I did not ask you to let me in". It was embarrassing.

I sat for a little while and on the TV screen it showed there were 15 people ahead of me so I went back to the truck and told my husband, he said let's go home. We went home and waited until close to 3:00 they close at 3:30. When I went back there was only 1 person in the waiting area, they took her back and when the lady came and asked if I had an appointment I explained what happened and she took me back to drain some of my blood, now I have a bruise where she stuck me.
photo is mine