5 minute freewrite 2469 prompt soap bubble

in Freewriters7 months ago

This is my post for #freewriters 2469 prompt soap bubble hosted by @mariannewest


Look how big Rudy is getting, he is a beautiful bundle of joy, this is his begging stance. He has me and my husband trained neither of us can walk by him when he does this and not give him a snack. Snacks can be an apple slice, a strawberry, a piece of carrot, or a grape. He will get these at night or when we wake in the morning, I am the first to get up and he will stand at the cage door until I give him his snack. He has eaten it by the time my husband gets up and as soon as he gets near the cage, Rudy is standing begging him for a snack, so he gives him something, then Rudy is content and will go into his house to sleep all day, he stays up all night.

My husband watches the young bunnies play with each other in the yard, one will run toward the other and the other one will jump out of the way, then they will switch places, and the other one will do the running. So my husband has started playing with Rudy like this, he takes his hand and chases Rudy, Rudy will run behind his house, then he will sneak around and chase my husband's hand. Now when my husband sticks his hand in the cage and there is no snack in it Rudy will run up to it and take his front feet and box with my husband's hand, if he has a treat he will run over to it and sit there eating from his hand, this is the only time he will let my husband pet him.

For such a little fellow, he can eat a lot, from the yard I cut grass, pull up dollar weed, and pick wild grapes, from our garden he is getting sweet potato vine, carrot tops, and Swiss chard, I also give him some rose petals. We can not grow many veggies in the summer but in the winter he will have more variety of food.


From the store, he gets romaine lettuce, celery, slices of carrot, and a mixture of salad greens that are cut up in a bag, plus store bought rabbit food.

In the morning all that is left is some of the grass and half a bowl of rabbit food. He eats all of what I put in there in one night.

I used to have a bowl that I put his water in but as he grew he started spilling it so I bought a water bottle that hung on the side of his cage, I guess he thought it was to make a soap bubble with because he would not drink from it, so I found a bowl that attaches to the inside of the cage so he can not spill it and he drinks from it. I do not understand how he does this because he uses a littler box, the blue thing in the corner, but every day there will be one piece of poop in his water dish.

Rudy checking out the camera.

Look at how long he is.

He has big ears and big back feet.

And he has the cutest little cotton tail
It is blurry because I wanted to get the picture before he jumped off, he loves to jump on top of his house and then jump back down just so he can jump back on it again.

He has my heart, as much as I hated the dog getting another baby bunny I wish Little Pisser would have made it so Rudy could have a buddy, it still breaks my heart to keep him caged but I have to keep telling myself that this is all he knows and he would not survive out in the wild.
photos are mine