5 minute freewrite 2644 prompt prosecute me!

in Freewriters27 days ago

This is my post for #freewriters 2644 prompt , so go ahead and prosecute me! hosted by @mariannewest

My sister's granddaughter's class was told by their teacher that they had to sell candy bars. They were not to only sell them but they had to sell all 60 of them to get a grade. My sister had to buy the last 15. I think this type of "school project" is wrong.

If they want the kids to sell them to raise money for a trip or something they all can enjoy is one thing, but to sell them for a grade is so wrong and to tell them they HAVE TO SELL THEM ALL makes me mad. I get the reason because of the times we live in you can not tell if someone injected one with something. But to make the parent buy what they did not sell can add up to not being able to pay a bill or food on the table for some people. They should be allowed to return the unsold candy bars back to the school and the school "eat" the money or get the company to donate them. There has to be another way than putting the burden on families and the child who knows the money situation at home.


When my oldest was in 5th grade her teacher sent a petition home and she had to fill it with signatures to get an A. It was a petition to save the baby seals from being clubbed. Before you, prosecute me! I will say I do not agree with clubbing baby anything but also believe to get an A in class should not depend on how many signatures you get on a petition from someone's personal opinion.

Even though I do not agree with it, there are people who have been clubbing baby seals, it is their culture and they have been doing it since the beginning of time, they should be left alone. Do I think others should do it, no, I do not, it just ain't right in my mind. And did my daughter get an A on that assignment, no she didn't.

With the petition in my hand, I was at the school office when they opened that morning, I had to wait for the principal to arrive. I showed him the petition and explained how I felt it had no place in school and it a grade should not depend on it. All petitions were either returned or thrown away and the kids had a "school related" project to get their grade.
photos are mine