This is my post for #freewriters 2663 prompt the freshman hosted by @mariannewest
After two weeks of working on it, I can now drive my new to me truck. I think when we bought it we were more caught up in the good price and acted like the freshman from your high school who bought the cheapest car he could find and did not look it over good enough.
After pulling the floorboard back the hole went further than we could see. We sanded what we could and used a wire brush on the drill, next I put Ospho in a garden sprayer and sprayed it on all the rusted areas. I had to wait until the next day to spray a second coat.
After we were finished with the Ospho, I sprayed Rustoleum Rust Reformer, this also took two days to do two coats. After that, I sprayed white Rustoleum paint and another day went by.
My husband cut a piece of metal flashing the shape and a little bigger than the hole.
I bought a roll of Gorilla tape and lined the area the flashing will cover.
My sister brought me a can of Flex Seal so I sprayed it on top of the Gorilla Tape.
And my husband put the flashing on top of everything.
It fit nicely except for a small hole under the seat. I later filled it with expanding foam.
My husband screwed the flashing to the floor of the truck, that is to the places that had metal under it.
What hole?
photos are mine