5 minute freewrite prompt directory of lost things

in Freewriters10 days ago

This is my post for #freewriters prompt directory of lost things hosted by @mariannewest

Mothers were not put on Earth to be a directory of lost things but that is what we do.
MOM, WHERE'S MY...... These three words have to be the most heard words by a mother. As a mother you are required to know where your child and some husbands left THEIR things. That is what they think and they are 90% correct because you picked up the shoes that were in the middle of the living room floor where they kicked them off and left them for you to trip over so you were the one who put them away.

It does not end when they move out. One day they will come back and say, Mom, where's my old Nintendo? I left it in my room when I moved out 12 years ago. The bad thing is, they really expect you to keep everything they left in your house.

My daughter purged her daughter's room when she was 9 years old and my granddaughter begged me to take her things and keep them at my house. I agreed to keep her things, I did not know they would take up one wall of my shed, but I kept them and when I needed to make room in the shed, I asked her if she wanted any of it. This is eleven years later, she says "What stuff". I had a yard sale and got rid of all of it plus other things that have been left in there and in the house. And yes, I still hear MOM, WHERES MY....
photo is mine


Hello, @myjob ! After reading your post, come to my memories the times where I asked sometimes to my mother and my grandmother when I was a kid and a teen, but it was ocassionally, since I didn't want to bother them when they're busy on some things of their own, specially my granny.

When I was growing up, I ended up donating all my childhood and teenhood stuff for charities and garage sales, since I moved out with my family to another address and there was no space for a lot of stuff. Honestly, I would do the same if I move out again and live alone or with a pet (actually I live with my mom, my brother and my granny), sell all the stuff that I feel might be make a child or a teen happy.

Have a great weekend, dear!

@vickaboleyn My youngest is 44 and I still have her stuffed animals that she will not let me throw out and stacks of board games. The board games would be good to donate but the stuffed animals are old, and she wants me to keep them.
I hope you also enjoy the weekend.

Exactly. I say to my kids, their eyes are just to watch the screen, nothing else. Lol

I totally relate to you. Even when they are adults, they act the same.

@peacefulsoul Yes, I agree. They act the same way, and when they visit, shoes are still taken off and left in the living room.