Week # 188 I would love to be my 20-year-old version

in Weekend Experienceslast year

Nice Weekend to all the members of this community, I was missing a lot to participate in the engagement of each week, but at this minute my cell phone is broken and it is very difficult for me to write, I must take advantage of my free time in the workday and these are not much.
The important thing is that I'm here today and it's really fun to write about this week's topics, because especially the topic number one made me spend a very nice time, thinking about who I would like to be, finally I didn't decide. I have never really thought about being someone else, but maybe having a little more money to take advantage of the benefits that this brings in the quality of life and do some little things that not having money or living in a prosperous country makes it impossible to do, so with the permission of all of you and our friend @galenkp, I ask you to allow me to vary the theme a little bit.


I started to think about the possibility of being myself at the age of 20, which is as if I were another person jjj, I explain why and many of those who today comb gray hair will understand me, today I am and I am not the same person, the years change us inside and out and although we retain much of what we were and we are no longer jjjj believe me it is not a tongue twister but it is truly so according to my experience.


My 20 years old self was wonderful, I was studying at the university, the University of Havana is located in one of the busiest areas of Havana, it was a time when besides studying a lot I was walking and having fun in a special way, because most of the time we were happy, everything made us laugh and nothing was a big problem, because we felt that the world was at our feet.


My generation was one of those that did not have internet so socializing was direct, we had many collective activities and both studying and all extracurricular activities, sports and cultural festivals in which we participated directly or indirectly, but there was the group ready and prepared for the enjoyment.


There was no cultural or sporting event that took place in Havana in which we were not willing to participate. The group was something very important and my parents as good Samaritans supported all our inventions, which made my house the headquarters of youth meetings that they enjoyed very much and that made my friends adore it.


We were really happy, money did not matter, it was not important the clothes or the shoes and their brands, in Cuba at that time we did not know much about that, the famous was the one who danced well, or the best in the classes or the one who made the atmosphere good by his witticisms.


I confess that I really like the current generation and their internet and also that they are less prejudiced, but today I don't know how it would be when I was 20 years old under those conditions. I can tell you that I still love the weekends and going for a walk, it is enjoyed in a different way.


This weekend I will be at home because I have to recover my strength and have a rest from all the movement of the New Year's holidays, I will enjoy the tranquility of my home, a good movie, a little music, of course I can not miss a little chat with my children, using my husband's cell phone and ... I'm sure that will leave me ready to have a profitable week.


Thank you all for reading and commenting. I used photos of my property and the translator DeepL


Very nice and thoughtful post, you have made me remember those divine years, we were so happy, thank you for that❤️

Lisy recordar es volver a vivir jjj que nos descuenten lo bailado. Cariños😘😘😘

Jaja , lo primero que me vino a la mente cdo lei tu respuesta fue , noooo, que no nos las descuenten jaja, porque pensar en todos esos ratos y todo ese bailoteo y risas de jóvenes, mira que disfruté horas y horas así 🤭🤭, su me las descuentan me quedo con muy poco jaja. Yo era un remolino hija 😅

jjjj Es verdad!!!