Creative Nonfiction: A decision based on personal ethics. Original Content. EN/ESP.

in The Ink Well8 months ago




The story:

After having spent several years in the company, I was promoted to area supervisor and the company, paid for several courses and also gave me support with the schedule so that I could do a specialization at the university. I was doing the same with other co-workers.

We were all very happy, because that meant that with the growth that was being generated in the company, we were being prepared to occupy later the positions of management, supervision and decision-making. In addition to that, the company created a policy of wage support through bonuses for production, for assistance and other incentives, thus achieving that the workers became more involved with the company and did a better job, since everyone became aware that the triumph of the company, was also the triumph of the workers.

However, this labour reality changed with the political situation of the country, in fact the company was intervened by the government, that was because the owners of the company got involved in financing political operations to overthrow the government, and also confronted the government through the media, which internally caused polarization within the workers and later the intervention of the government.

—Good afternoon, Rodolfo, we hope you are well, we want to meet with you, to discuss the reality of the company. As you know, the government announced that the company will be intervened, and we in the management expect that the management and media positions will retire along with us at the time of the intervention, that's why we want to offer you a salary package with immediate effect after its signing so that you retire from the company and have economic stability, until you get another job. — The company's Human Resources Manager told me.

—Thank you very much for the offer, Mr. Martínez, but one question, if we withdraw all the workers in charge of operational and executive management, what will happen to the workers, and what will happen to production? We are the second-largest food producing company in the country, and if we shut down production, in a couple of weeks you will see grain shortages all over the country. It is going to be a very big blow for the country, remember that we had to put in another production shift, and we are thinking about doing another one, to produce more and cover the lack of food, which we have thanks to the US sanctions. USA. And the European Union. — I replied.

—Well, it doesn't seem to you that the government and its revolution are in charge of the hunger and the shortage that is going to occur in the country. Rodolfo, won't you be one of those guys who support the government? — Martinez said.

— I don't get involved in politics, and if it's true I don't like what the government is doing, I also don't like what the opposition is doing following the political lines of the Gringos and the Europeans. I think this is our country, and we should decide what we should do. By the way, how much time do we have to sign and accept the package, I'm not going to look bad on the company that has done so much for me? — Comment.

I'm glad you think so, Rodolfo. You know, if all the supervisory and management managers withdraw, the government will not be able to produce, and the crisis will worsen, causing its downfall more quickly. Martinez said.

At the end of the conversation I left, and when I arrived at the workplace, I realized that the colleagues from the production supervision, storage and transportation area were divided into two groups, one of the people who supported the government, and the other group of people who warned the government. And there was a group where I was, who did not identify themselves, with either side, but who had communication with both groups.

The situation remained like this, until the moment we were notified, that we had to go and sign what we called the happy package, which in itself, was a special payment of social benefits and bonuses, which the company gave us for our retirement.

I, as well as a fairly large group of supervisors and some managers, were playing with two decks of cards, that is, the company and many workers, thought that we were going to withdraw from the company and that this would force the production processes to close. But for personal ethics and morality, it was impossible for us to make such a decision and create a process of food shortages, which would make the situation of the country and its people more serious.

However, almost the entire supervisory team, and a good part of the operational management, had decided to stay in the company, since we all understood that regardless of the vision or political position that each of us had, closing the company and stopping the production chain, meant creating a crisis in the supply of grains in the country, and we all felt that it would be irresponsible to do that and put an entire country to pay for the decisions and reasons of politicians.

Finally, we did not sign the happy package, we played two cards, and deceived the prophets of disaster, after the company was tapped, many of us trained other people to fill our positions and retired after a few months from the company.

That was one of the times I had to play with two decks, but that was the only one, that having made that decision, allowed us to help many people, and allowed us to get ahead, making the best decision without falling into the game of politicians and thus benefiting the whole country with our decision based on personal ethics.

Thanks for reading me.

Translated with Yandex/Translator



Para leer en Español





The story:

Creative Nonfiction: Una decisión basada en la ética personal. Contenido original.

Después de haber pasado varios años en la empresa, me ascendieron a supervisor de área y la empresa, me pago varios cursos y además me dio apoyo con el horario para que realizara una especialización en la universidad. Lo mismo estaba haciendo con otros compañeros de trabajo.

Todos estábamos muy contentos, ya que eso significaba que con el crecimiento que se estaba generando en la empresa, se nos estaba preparando para ocupar más adelante los cargos de gerencia, supervisión y de toma de decisiones. Además de eso, la empresa creo una política de apoyo salarial a través de bonos por producción, por asistencia y otros estímulos, logrando así que los trabajadores se involucraran más con la empresa y realizaran un mejor trabajo, ya que todos tomaban consciencia que el triunfo de la empresa, era también el triunfo de los trabajadores.

Sin embargo; esta realidad laboral cambio con la situación política del país, de hecho la empresa fue intervenida por el gobierno, eso se debió a que los dueños de la empresa se involucraron en el financiamiento de operaciones políticas para derrocar al gobierno, y además enfrentaron al gobierno a través de los medios de comunicación, lo que provocó a lo interno la polarización dentro de los trabajadores y posteriormente la intervención del gobierno.

—Buenas tardes, Rodolfo, esperamos que estés bien, queremos reunirnos contigo, para plantearte la realidad de la empresa. Como sabes, el gobierno anunció que la empresa será intervenida, y nosotros en la dirección esperamos que los cargos directivos y medios se retiren junto con nosotros en el momento de la intervención, por eso queremos ofrecerte un paquete salarial con efecto inmediato después de su firma para que te retires de la empresa y tengas estabilidad económica, hasta que consigas otro empleo. — Me dijo el Gerente de Recursos Humanos de la empresa.

—Muchas gracias por la oferta señor Martínez, pero una pregunta, si nos retiramos todos los trabajadores con cargo de dirección operativa y ejecutiva, ¿Qué pasará con los trabajadores y qué pasará con la producción? Somos la segunda empresa productora de alimentos del país, y si cerramos la producción, en un par de semanas se verá la escasez de granos en todo el país. Va a ser un golpe muy grande para el país, recuerde que tuvimos que meter otro turno de producción y estamos pensando hacer otro, para producir más y cubrir la falta de alimentos, que tenemos gracias a las sanciones de los EE. UU. y la Unión Europea— Contesté.

—Bueno, del hambre y de la escasez que se va a presentar en el país, que se encargue el gobierno y su revolución, no te parece. ¿Rodolfo, tú no serás uno de esos tipos que apoyan al gobierno? — Dijo Martínez.

—Yo no me meto en política, y si es cierto no me gusta lo que hace el gobierno, tampoco me gusta lo que hace la oposición siguiendo las líneas políticas de los gringos y los europeos. Pienso que este es nuestro país y nosotros debemos decidir lo que debemos hacer. ¿Por cierto, cuánto tiempo tenemos para firmar y aceptar el paquete, no le voy a quedar mal a la empresa que ha hecho tanto por mí? — Comente.

—Me alegra mucho que pienses así Rodolfo. Sabes, si todos los tajadores de supervisión y de dirección se retiran, el gobierno no podrá producir y la crisis se va a agarbar provocando su caída de manera más rápida. —Dijo Martínez.

Al terminar la conversación me retiré, y al llegar al puesto de trabajo, me di cuenta de que los compañeros del área de supervisión de producción, de almacenamiento y transporte, estaban divididos en dos grupos, uno de las personas que apoyaban al gobierno, y otro grupo de las personas que adveraban al gobierno. Y había un grupo donde estaba yo, que no se identificaba, con ninguno de los bandos, pero que tenía comunicación con los dos grupos.

La situación se mantuvo así, hasta el momento en que nos avisaron, que debíamos ir a firmar lo que llamábamos el paquete feliz, que en sí, era un pago especial de prestaciones sociales y bonos, que nos daba la empresa para nuestro retiro.

Yo, al igual que un grupo bastante grande de supervisores y algunos gerentes, estábamos jugando con dos barajas, es decir, la empresa y muchos trabajadores, pensaban que nos íbamos a retirar de la empresa y que eso obligaría a cerrar los procesos de producción. Pero por ética y moral personal, se nos hacía imposible tomar una decisión así y crear un proceso de escasez de alimentos, que haría más grave, la situación del país y de su gente.

Sin embargo, casi todo el equipo de supervisores, y buena parte de la gerencia operativa, había decidido quedarse en la empresa, ya que todos entendíamos, que sin importar la visión o la posición política que tuviese cada uno de nosotros, el cerrar la empresa y parar la cadena de producción, significaba crear una crisis en el abastecimiento de granos en el país, y todos sentimos que sería una irresponsabilidad hacer eso y poner a todo un país a pagar por las decisiones y las razones de los políticos.

Finalmente, no firmamos el paquete feliz, jugamos a dos cartas, y engañamos a los profetas del desastre, después de que la empresa fue intervenida, muchos de nosotros entrenamos a otras personas para que ocuparan nuestros cargos y nos retiramos después de unos meses de la empresa.

Esa fue, una de las veces que tuve que jugar con dos barajas, pero esa fue la única, que el haber tomado esa decisión, nos permitió ayudar a mucha gente, y nos permitió salir adelante, tomando la mejor decisión sin caer en el juego de los políticos y beneficiando así a todo el país con nuestra decisión basada en la ética personal.

Gracias por leerme.




I remember that many companies in the country assumed positions similar to the one you describe. It is sad, but it was real. Regards

Hello @nancybriti1, yes it was a very uncomfortable situation that arose with the polarization in the country at that time.
In those moments, you had to keep a cool head and act looking for the greatest benefit for the country and not for yourself.
In short, it is one more experience in our life.
Thank you for your comment.

Hola @nancybriti1, si fue una situación bien incomoda que se presentó con la polarización que en ese momento hubo en el país.
En esos momentos, había que mantenerse con la cabeza fría y actuar buscando el mayor beneficio para el país y no para un mismo.
En fin, es una experiencia más en nuestra vida.
Gracias por el comentario.


That was a powerful position you were in! You did the right thing, and you should be proud of your integrity. So many people would have taken the money, even at the cost of the food chain and the health and wellbeing of so many people.

Hi @jayna, my regards and thank you very much for your comment.
You know, I would never have been able to take the money and benefit personally, at the expense of other people's discomfort.
Had I done that, I wouldn't even be able to sleep, because of the burden of conscience.
I was raised with quite strong family and personal values.
And for personal and professional ethics, I could never do something like that, I really know that there are people who do it, but I can't imagine how they can see other people and their family after having acted like that.
Best wishes and thank you very much for your comment.

It was a very complex situation, fortunately you worked for people and not for political sides, benefiting many people who have nothing to do with absurd conflicts.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

Hi @rinconpoetico7, thank you very much for the comment.
For me, the best thing is always that which is in line with personal ethics and personal values, although many times that makes people look down on you.
But the most important thing is to be at peace and feel spiritual tranquility and know that you act for the benefit of others.
Happy day to you.