Yeah! Greetings to your wife! Thank her for doing so! We all can be glad about. And greetings to you - you add a very important aspect to our chain. Sure, I don't comment very often, because I would have to switch the account to comment and switch back to the ccceo.voter account and I am in my flow... (and in private time I don't read blogs very often, because I decided to work and bring my best into it. So I don't give myself a little private time...) but your post are very inspiring. Especially because gratefulness is such an important topic and we all can benefit from it sooooo much. I had the best time in life when I was most grateful. Because it brings you to realizing what you have, about what I and we can be happy about, what to honor, what to follow. And realizing that - and integrating it into life - is really uplifting and changes behaviors. And this vibration finds it ways to how to act with other people or things and circumstances in general.
I am glad about that you deliver this aspect to our lovely chain. Some people think they bring great content with the next generic Splinterlands-Battle/Card-Posting nobody reads. May be, I don't like to judge, because I don't like to be judged. But I see much more value in your postings. You have a vibe a few more people would need.
Rock on Benjamin! Thank you for being here!