Sadly, there are no extravaganza birdies around me, they just not gonna happen xD but ordinary birds - thats what I have plenty! Sparrows, crows and especially pigeons always at my service and willing to pose. So, with this week's prompt 'Ordinary birds' -- I am definitely in!

When I go out to the local park and don't see a single bird around - it doesn't mean that there aren't any. I pull out of the packet remains of wheat bread, drop a crust on the ground; drop another one... an immediate reaction follows: a scout pigeon arrives in. It is absolutely unobvious where it was hiding - maybe on the top of a tree, on the roof of a distant house? In any case, it wasn't visible, flew in from nowhere. Prey detected! - I drop a couple more crusts... - reinforcements arrive noisily, two or three more pigeons... and soon their activity is detected - very soon it causes a reaction in the form of a pigeons flock, who realized a free food source had appeared here. The rivalry for a fat piece starts! And in the distance theres always a handful of sparrows, who try to steal something from under the pigeons' noses.
Если я выхожу в парк и не вижу вокруг ни одной птицы - это не значит что их там нет. Я вытаскиваю остатки пшеничного хлеба, роняю на землю одну корочку, вторую... следует немедленная реакция: прилетает первый голубь-разведчик; где он прятался неизвестно - возможно на верхушке дерева или крыше далекого дома? во всяком случае, видно его не было, он прилетел ниоткуда. добыча детектед! - я роняю еще пару корочек... - с шумом прибывает усиление, еще два-три голубя... и вскоре уже на движуху слетает стая голубей, которые поняли - здесь появился источник халявной еды, и они начинают толкаться и конкурировать за жирный кусочек. А в отдалении непременно появляется пара воробьев, которые норовят успеть из-под носа у голубей.
Pigeons take a bath. (I'm still hoarding the rest pics from that shoot!)
Ordinary birds may be not that fancy... but still they allow to shoot lot of intresting scenes from bird's life. And, besides that... if you've got light on your hands - you go away with gems.
This is the shot I selected as my entry this round. It is all about the magic light, the game of glitter and reflections and thats what I like about it. Hope you enjoy my little selection, see you next time!