External Influence On The Field.

in Hive Learners8 months ago

I have always been one of the most active people when I was in high school and that was when it comes to singing or sporting activities.
I was always participating in racing, throwing the shootout, football, rugby or some other kind of sports because we did so many when I was in high school.
Sporting can be fun and I am sure that is why a lot of people always want to watch football or whichever sport activities they are familiar with or the one they love.


Knowing fully well, that sports is fun, it can also be draining and anyone who is not physically fit may not be able to participate in it. Sporting requires strength and this is why I usually give kudos to anyone who is in the sporting line or any athlete because it isn’t easy to be on the field or wherever their sports activities take place for over one hour, depending on what kind of sports they are into and also the timeframe.

I am not surprised hearing that there are some athletes who make use of some kind of drugs so they can perform better while having the sport activities. I feel this does not really make sense because anyone who is into such is supposed to know the rules and regulations before he or she decides to and I am very sure that they are always tested before they go to the field so they will know if they are capable of participating in that particular sporting event or not. If you ask me what I think about those people, I feel they do not believe in themselves and always have the thought of outperforming others if they get to use those hard drugs that they rely on.

Should the restriction on such drugs be lifted if the side effects get to reduce?

It is possible for the side effects of the usage of these drugs to reduce due to the fact that some people take it almost every time and their body will be used to such system, but I think it would not make sense to lift that restriction.

If that restriction is lifted, a lot of people will also engage in such and it would not make any sense whatsoever.
A lot of athletes will do this and may even cause them to misbehave on the field.


Drugs causes them to misbehave so it won’t be nice to have athletes to misbehave on the field. Some of them may even collapse while on the field so it doesn’t make any sense at all…

Does using such drug take away the fact that these athletes truly achieved what they have claimed?

Yes, why not? Let me use tea as an example. If someone makes tea for you and it tasted ten times better than the ones you have taken but you later found out that the person made use of saccharin which is a hundred times sweeter than sugar, will you continue to hail the person for making a perfect tea? I’m sure you won’t because we all know that tea doesn’t even need sugar at all.
That’s how it is. Those athletes are under the influence of hard drug so there is no way they will be under such influence and won’t be times two stronger.


The joy of every athlete is making sure that they engage in sporting activities or their jobs without any external influence.


So first off... I like sugar in my tea. Especially Iced T.. I use honey for hot tea..

As for PEDs I believe any records you set while using them should be deleted from history. It's cheating at the game..

Exactly and cheating is very bad
It makes no sense

I'm glad that so many young people choose sports or arts and pass away from drugs!

You’re right

Dear @rafzat, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @ladyaryastark.

It's won't be a fair game again if drugs were allowed in sports. So I believe those that are physically fit should engage in whatever sports they desire and those of us that don't have the strength should be their cheer leader. Drugs should be kept out please!

If you’re not physically fit, you shouldn’t force it

At all, go and look for other things to do🤣🤣🤣 life no hard

An athlete who competes and wins with the use of steroids may feel momentarily proud of his victory, but this feeling is founded on cheating and falsehood. True greatness in sport is found in effort, dedication and honesty, not in the use of illegal substances to gain an unfair advantage. It is important that athletes choose the right path and compete with honor and respect, rather than give in to the temptation of cheating and dishonesty.

That’s pure cheating which means that he didn’t achieve what he has claimed to achieve all by himself

Sports activities needs someone who is physically fit, true, it is a violation of the rules if a sports person used external strength, it wouldn't be a fair game anymore in that case.

I’m glad you get my point

Yes, @rafzat the point were clearly stated

Great post! I used to do martial arts. I definitely think that sport should be all about the capabilities of the human body and that drugs should be kept out of it!

@rafzat, I tagged you in a comment recently. I would like to know if you would like to join the Busy Bees!

Ooh yeah
I’m interested in joining the busy bees
How do I go about it?

You just did! Welcome aboard!

So you already do everything a Busy Bee should do! On Sunday you will be added to the weekly stats post and you can use that post to go engage with other Bees!

Reciprocal growth to the Max!

I’m ready
Let’s go!!!

💪💪😁🍻🐝 Awesome!