phone photography 48: Beauty's of Car's at Night

in Feel Good22 days ago

I do not like taken photos in the night much, but it seems today was a total different vibes, because i was enjoying nailing those shot's, and after it, I have to select the few one's i like, and then, delete others, since I do not like to keep photos, due to the fact that it might consume my phone memory, and make it not to work smartly.

So, I was outside tonight, I went out to buy suya, I really wanted to eat suya tonight, after I have waited for the man who make suya around my neighborhood to pass through the street, as he normally does, once it got to 6:34 PM, he did not, and I was already down for it.

I wished it was something I would have been able to forget about, but the deal is, I was already putting my mind on it.

Therefore, I make another option, which was to go to the junction and buy the suya, when I got there, I saw the man who usually passed through our neighborhood, it seems, he was very early to go to his spot, while I was assuming that he will still be going there on his usual time.

It was him, I bought the suya from, and the time I asked him, "what happened that he did not passed through our street?, he let me to understand that, he did not took that environment today, beside, he went out very early.

while I was coming back, I saw those cars flashing their light, and it was all beautiful, then, I clicked those photos, the deal is, they were many that I shot, but I took time to select them, and the ones i like, are the one's, I am using for my phone photography contest 48 by @untilwelearn, I am happy that I joined this contest.

As the cars were flashing their lights, some were looking entirely as a different thing on the photo, I think it depends on the time I shot it, and when looking very close, a person will understand that, they are car's passing on the road.

Those back light has a lot of great colours, and from the photos, it shows that I enjoyed clicking the camera when the cars back light were on.

For a second, I did not know that photos of cars can be as wonderful as this in the night, and it just explain to me why some people said that, "untill we try out something's that is when we are going to understand how it truly works.

Thereafter, did the photos gave me a satisfactory feeling's after I have taken them? It does, because they are beautiful, and the photos on it own has a lot of meaning, i know the meaning will depend on the way we feel sometimes, generally, they are beautiful photos, and I am happy to took them, and used on my entry in the contest.

Images are mine.


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Thank you, I am feeling good about it. Good morning @hivebuzz

You're welcome @repayme4568, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍

Congrats to you too @hivebuzz your work is great on Hive.

The night photos have a particular charm, the lights look spectacular.


Yes, that's very true, i realized it when I was taking those photos with my phone. Happy new week to you @belkyscabrera cheers.

Hello @repayme4568

What beautiful night photos

Excellent shots

Thank you so much @miprimerconcurso

These photos look great but driving without road lights and relying only on car headlamps is also very challenging. But in such darkness, these lights are shining like stars in the sky. 😊🌌

You are very right @untilwelearn, it's challenging to drive without street lights. As most of the streets here do not have it, the cars headlamps helps a lot when it gets to the night. Thank you for the comment, regard.