ASSEMBLIES OF GOD TEENS SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 18 // SUNDAY, 3RD NOV. 2024. // 100% unique, free from AI contents and plagiarism.

in FreeCompliments4 months ago


“Get a life!” You’ve probably heard that expression. But what is the really mean?” Some people spend their time pursuing material things, popularity, or the admiration of the crowd. Others think they have a Iife when their calendars are full and they’re busy running from one activity to the next. Still others see life to be all about meeting people, forming relationships, and making social connections. The reality is, however, that none of these things bring lasting satisfaction outside a relationship with Jesus - the Source of life.

What’s most important in your life? In what ways does your lifestyle reflect those priorities? The things we spend the most time and energy on are often the things that will not last. Jesus didn’t come to give us a bigger bank accounts or fill our lives with social events. He came to offer us freedom and fulfilment — a life that brings us back to our ultimate purpose of intimate fellowship with God.

As you prepare for this study, take time to consider the life you have in Christ and what it really means to you. Think about the fact that Jesus died so you could experience this life. Pray that God will help you live out the life He desires and make you an example of His grace for your students to see: Then pray that each of your students will get a life — the purpose-filled, eternal life that Jesus can bring.




Gen 36-13, 16-2123; Isa 6:1-5; John 8.34-36; 10:10; 14 6; Rom 5.6-8; 1 Tim 2.5-6




But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8 NIV).


Explain To Students The Followings:

Jesus’ death provides the only way to eternal life.

Unless we acknowledge and accept Jesus’ sacrifice, we cannot experience the life that He offers.

Accept Jesus’ sacrifice for your sins and share His life-giving message with others.

>>Activity Option:
Read or have a volunteer read John 14:6, the theme verse for this unit. Remind students that, over the past few weeks, you have considered how and why Jesus is the only way to God and the only source of absolute truth. Today, we will see how His life is the only way to real life.

Note that Jesus’ crucifixion wasn’t just a sad event. It was the fulfilment of God’s amazing plan for us. Because of His death, we can experience never-ending life in heaven.

Study Overview:
Explain that today’s study is all about the Followings…
• Why Jesus chose to die.
• Why His death was necessary in order for us to receive eternal life.
• How Jesus’ death and resurrection can restore our ultimate purpose in life.

Guide: Read or have a volunteer read John 14:6. Explain that, last week, we discovered that God’s Word is the ultimate source of truth. This week, we'll continue our discussion of truth and find out how it relates to the decisions we make every day.



Guide: Read or have volunteers read Gen 3:6-13. Explain that God created people to worship and have a relationship with Him. But He also gave us a free will so we could think for ourselves and choose to follow Him because we want to. Unfortunately, that free will was used to rebel against our Creator. Human defiance opened the door for sin to contaminate the world.

  1. Were Adam and Eve aware of their sin? How did they deal with it, and why was that not good enough?

[Hint: As soon as they ate from the tree, they became aware of evil, just as God had said. They even tried to cover themselves with leaves and hide from God’s sight. But trying to cover sin up or pretend it doesn’t exist won’t cut it with God. The root issue must be dealt with before we can have a relationship with Him.]

Guide: Explain that many people - even some Christians have a careless attitude about sin. They do and say things they know aren’t right and figure God will cut them some slack because they are basically good people. They forget or refuse to acknowledge that sin is open rebellion against God. And God always takes it seriously.

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Gen 3:16-21, 23. How did God respond to the rebellion of Adam and Eve? [Hint: God punished Adam and Eve for their rebellion, driving them from the Garden and pronouncing judgment. He gave them animal skin to wear instead of the flimsy. Coverings they had made.]

Guide: Explain that only God can supply the covering we need for our sins. Our own weak efforts can never be enough. When God provided Adam and Eve a covering for their nakedness, the couple must have realized that the skins came from animals they had been given responsibility to care for. Something had lost its life because of their disobedience—a foreign concept to the former perfection of Eden.

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Isa 6:1-5. How do these verses describe God? How does Isaiah describe himself? (Hint: God is powerful, exalted, and holy. While Isaiah confesses that he is “a man of unclean lips…among a people of unclean lips.” Even the great prophet knew he wasn’t worthy to be in God’s presence.]
    Guide: Explain that sin tainted the relationship with God that people were meant to have from the beginning. Humanity needed a way to receive forgiveness if they were going to be restored to their Creator.

  2. Read or have a volunteer read 1 Tim 2:5-6. What is a mediator? Why is Jesus the only One who could mediate between us and God?

(Hint: A mediator is someone who works to resolve a problem or conflict between two or more parties. The mediator “goes between” those involved, communicating to each on behalf of the other, in an effort to bring the sides together.}

Guide: Explain that God can’t just look the other way and ignore our wrongdoing. The punishment for sin is death. Our own death could not have satisfied that penalty; we would have simply been getting what our sin deserved, and death would have sealed our separation from God. But because Jesus is perfect as God and lived sinless as a man, His life was a worthy sacrifice — good enough to pay sin’s price once and for all.

  1. What is ransom? Whom did Jesus ransom and how?

[Hint: t’s a price paid to free a captive. Jesus paid to free us by willingly laying down His life for our sin. In doing so, He bridged the gap between us and God. If we trust that “bridge,” we can cross into a relationship with Him.]


Guide: Read or have a volunteer read John 8:34-36. Explain that in the New Testament times, many people were bought and sold as slaves. If a kind person wanted to set a slave free, he or she could pay ransom to purchase that individual’s release from captivity. That’s the picture of what Jesus did for us.

  1. Have students list some of the things from which Jesus can set people free (e.g., sin, fear, addictive behaviours). How does He free people from these things?

Guide: Explain that most people fail to realize that when they sin, they are drawn away from God’s perfect plan for their lives and enslaved by their own rebellion. We’re unable to overcome the power of sin on our own. And we have nothing to offer in exchange for our own ransom. That’s why Jesus chose to die. It took the sinless Son of God to set us free from Satan’s tyranny. Only Christ’s death could purchase our liberty.

  1. How would you respond to people who say Christianity restricts their freedom? [Hint: True life and freedom aren’t found in following every personal desire. Instead, we’re truly free when we’re able to say no to temptation and yes to God’s best. When we surrender our lives to Christ, we gain that freedom to become all that God wants us to be.]

  2. Read or have a volunteer read John 10:10. What does k mean to experience life to the full?

Hint: Jesus not only wants us to receive eternal life, but He wants us to know and experience His very best for our lives—the purpose for which He created us. We can only achieve this by allowing Him to forgive our sins and lead our lives.

  1. Can people have fulfilled lives without Christ? [Hint: People may find a form of fulfilment, but the things of this world offer nothing of lasting significance. We can’t be fulfilled in the truest sense when we’re separated from our ultimate purpose of a relationship with God.]

Involve Them:
Read or have a volunteer read Romans 5:6-8. Think of someone who doesn’t like you at all and who has even done things to cause you trouble or get others to reject you. Would you be willing to die for that person? Why or why not? [Hint: Most people won’t die for someone who doesn’t care for them.]

Guide: Explain that even as Jesus was being ridiculed and killed, He prayed for His tormentors. He didn’t just die for people who were already His devoted followers. He died for those who were living in rebellion against Him. He offered His best for us while we were still sinners—not because we deserved it, but simply because He loves us.

Inspire Them:
Remind students “The Basic Message” of this study (pg 082). Point out WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson learned.

Ministry Activity:
Explain that Jesus wants to have a relationship with us. He has already demonstrated His love for us by dying in our place and making a way for us to receive forgiveness for our sins. We no longer have to be separated from God because of sins. Then pray for anybody in your class who doesn’t have a relationship with Christ. Do also pray for people your students know who don’t have a relationship with Christ. Then have volunteers lead in prayer that God will work in those lives to bring them into a relationship with Him.

Teacher Hint:
Ask Yourself…

  1. Do students understand there are absolute standards of truth?
  2. Do students understand why they need such standards?
  3. Do students see how God’s commands relate to His character?

MONDAY: He Gives Much More than Life — John 10:10; 1:4
TUESDAY: Christ Our Life – Col 3:4
WEDNESDAY: Fountain of Life - Psalm 36:9
THURSDAY: Live with a Difference — Colossians 3:4
FRIDAY: Life by God’s Word - Isaiah 55:3
SATURDAY: Walk in Newness of Life - Romans 6:4.


The original production and publication of this extracts belong to Sunday School Department of Assemblies of God Nigeria, as shown on the front page. We teach in the church and social media available. 100% unique, free from AI contents/plagiarism.

