Greetings my dear friends and great coffee lovers. You are all cordially welcome to my blog.

Today has been a great day in my social circle, we had a special meeting with good friends, we shared amid laughter and tears the joy of new and powerful steps. Although in my initial plans was not to attend this meeting, I appreciate the personalized invitation from one of those involved, where she told me that she hoped to have my presence there.

In the midst of all my home occupations, I decided to make my space and go to support her on this special day, I have not been totally healthy and in the middle of the high temperatures I left my home and just there was a power outage.

The activity took place in a swimming pool and with the strong heat it was provoking to take a dip, however, we did not do it and when we were about to return home one of the attendees asked us what do you plan to do now? To which we answered just to go home.

It was then when his idea resounded like music for all of us and he told us, I invite you to my house for coffee, even with all the hot weather a coffee at 4:00 p.m. is always refreshing and even more if we accompany it with a soft cheese bread, this is my snack time.

We all went there as a group, we sat down to talk and in between one word and another we let the coffee do its magic and allow us to strengthen our bonds, the conversation was so interesting and the coffee so delicious that I drank about 3 cups, it turns out that this is the house of the parents of one of my best friends from a couple of years ago, they are on vacation because he has 3 years living in Spain.

We had not had the necessary time to share and get to know each other a little more until the initiative arose to share a delicious coffee in the company of new friends, our meeting was so fruitful that we decided to extend our meeting in a second opportunity but this time it will be a lunch for tomorrow and I assure you that this meeting will close with a delicious negrito.

Definitely coffee will always be an excellent alternative to add good quality moments and share with special people, I am grateful for this unexpected afternoon in which in the middle of the coffee allowed me to get closer to wonderful people and make my social circle increase every day.

I thank you in advance for dedicating part of your valuable time to read my work and may God multiply the support you give to my publication. Blessings.

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.



Saludos mis estimados amigos y grandes amantes del café. Sean todos cordialmente bienvenidos a mi blog.

Hoy ha sido un día grandioso es mi círculo social, tuvimos una reunión especial con buenos amigos, compartimos en medio de risas y llanto la alegría de nuevos y poderosos pasos. Aunque en mis planes inicialmente no estaba asistir a este encuentro, agradezco la invitación personalizada de una de las involucrada, donde me decía que esperaba contar con mi presencia allí.

En medio de todas mis ocupaciones del hogar, decidí hacer mi espacio e ir apoyarla en este día tan especial, no he estado totalmente saludable y medio de las altas temperaturas salí de mi hogar y justamente hubo un corte eléctrico.

La actividad se desarrolló en una piscina y con el fuerte calor que hacía lo que provocaba era darse un chapuzón, sin embargo, no lo hicimos y cuando nos disponíamos regresar a casa uno de los asistentes nos preguntó ¿Qué tienen pensado hacer ahora? A lo que contestamos solo ir a casa.

Fue allí cuando su idea resonó como música para todos y nos dijo, los invito a mi casa a tomar café, aun con todo y el calor que hace un café a las 16:00 horas siempre es refrescante y más aún si lo acompañamos con un suave pan de queso, esta es mi hora de la merienda.

Todos nos fuimos en grupo para allá, nos sentamos a conversar y en medio de una palabras y otras dejamos que el café hiciera su magia y nos permitiera estrechar lazos, l conversa estaba tan interesante y el café tan delicioso que me tome unas 3 tazas a aproximadamente, resulta que esta es la casa de los padres de uno de mis mejores amigos de hace un par de años, ellos están de vacaciones porque tiene 3 años viviendo en España.

No habíamos tenido el tiempo necesario para compartir y conocernos un poco más hasta que surgió la iniciativa de compartir un rico café en compañía de nuevos amigos, es más nuestra reunión fue tan fructífera que decidimos extender nuestro encuentro en una segunda oportunidad pero esta vez será un almuerzo para el día de mañana y les aseguro que esta reunión cerrara con un delicioso negrito.

Definitivamente el café siempre será una excelente alternativa para sumar buenos momentos de calidad y compartir con personas especiales, agradezco esta tarde inesperada en la que en medio del café me permitió acercarme más a personas maravillosas y hacer que mi círculo social aumente cada día.

De ante mano agradezco el que dediques parte de tu valioso tiempo para leer mi trabajo y que Dios te multiplique el apoyo que le aportes a mi publicación. Bendiciones

Todas las fotos aquí utilizadas son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas con la cámara de mi teléfono Redmi Note 9T. El diseño fue realizado con la aplicación GridArt.


It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

It is a great pleasure to share my experiences in this community. Thanks for the responsiveness @cinnccf

It's always fun when we get to know someone that has been on the edge of our existing social circles all along. This looks like it was a great time, I'm glad you were able to go out and enjoy yourself despite not feeling well. Thanks for sharing! ☕️

We should definitely have the best disposition to meet new people, I'm coming from our lunch and we continue to consolidate new bonds in the middle of a block cups of coffee.
Thank you for the cordial visit @grindan

Coffee with cheese .... That's great 🤗 I love that combination and if it's for a reunion it would be spectacular 🤗.

It seems unbelievable but it really is an explosion of flavors coffee with cheese and more if this is in a neutral point of salt, I remembered times of my childhood @alborhada

Hahaha well three cups of coffee after 4pm is quite a lot, it had to be good.

But an invitation like this is always welcome, you can't refuse, friends also make it much more enjoyable, I hope you continue to make space between the complicated routine to give you a well-deserved rest, always accompanied by a good cup of coffee.

Jajaja bueno tres tazas de café después de la 4 de la tarde es bastante, tuvo que estar bien bueno.

Pero una invitación así siempre es bien recibida, no se puede rechazar. La compañía además hace que se disfrute mucho más, espero que sigas haciendo espacio entre la pasada rutina para darte un merecido descanso, siempre acompañado de una buena taza d café.

I love coffee and I have no problem with caffeine, insomnia does not exist in my dictionary. Last night I slept early and like a baby.
Today we had a meeting and we had a great time, too bad her vacation ended too soon.
Thank you for your visit my dear friend 😘 @ninaeatshere