Greetings dear friends of this great community. You are all cordially welcome to my blog.

Today is my favorite day of the week and as always I dedicate my time to please my palate and enjoy the delights of a good coffee. Here in my locality the climatic seasons are not fulfilled, for now we are going through some strong and intense heat waves, which does not even cause to leave the house.

Today I wanted to put into practice a different iced coffee recipe so I decided to add strawberry filled cookies, so that it would be like a strawberry coffee frapuccino, however, I did not have the basic ingredients, so I had to make some changes to not miss this great opportunity.

Has it ever happened to you that you want to fulfill a craving and there are obstacles in the way? Something like that happened to me today, the sun was inclement and I had an iced coffee because of the high temperatures, accompanied by milk, but I had no liquid milk, so I opted to use powdered milk from my children, I wanted the drink to have crushed ice and my blender did not want to work, so I used my pica todo to integrate all the ingredients.

The ingredients for this iced drink are very basic, a glass of highly concentrated coffee, about 150 grams of powdered milk, cinnamon, chocolate syrup, ice chips and above all to have a lot of desire to taste this rich and refreshing caffeine drink.

The first thing I did was to add the content of the cup of coffee in the pica, followed by the powdered milk and blend or beat for its greater dissolution, then I added the ice in pieces and blended once more until I saw that these were in very tiny pieces.

Once the mixture was ready, I had to add the special touch such as the strawberry cookie pieces and blend again, then I decorated the glasses with chocolate syrup and cinnamon to enjoy my refreshing iced coffee drink and at the end I decorated the glass with a strawberry cookie on the top.

My husband and I were very anxious to refresh our hot afternoon with this incredible drink, the combination of caffeine and strawberry is an explosion of flavors on the palate, if you have not tried it I highly recommend this easy recipe and share it with someone nice, in my case I did it with my perfect match.

I thank you in advance for dedicating part of your valuable time to read my work and may God multiply the support you give to my publication. Blessings.

The cover image is free and was extracted from canva. The design was made with the GridArt application.



Saludos apreciados amigos de esta gran comunidad. Sean todos cordialmente bienvenidos a mi blog.

Hoy es mi día preferido de la semana y como siempre dedico mi tiempo para complacer mi paladar y disfrutar de las delicias de un buen café. Aquí en mi localidad no se cumplen las estaciones climáticas, por ahora estamos pasando unas fuertes e intensas olas de calor, lo cual no provoca ni siquiera salir de casa.

Hoy quise poner en práctica una receta diferente de café helado por lo que decidí agregarle galletas rellenas de fresa, de tal manera que quedara como un frapuccino de café con fresa, sin embargo, no contaba con los ingredientes básicos, por lo tanto tuve que hacer algunos cambios para no dejar pasar esta gran oportunidad.

Les ha sucedido que quieren cumplir con un antojo y se les presentan obstáculos en el camino? Algo así me sucedió el día de hoy, el sol estaba inclemente y me provoco un café helado por las altas temperaturas, acompañado de leche, pero no tenía leche líquida, por lo que opte por usar leche en polvo de mis niños, quería que la bebida tuviese hielo troceado y mi licuadora no quiso funcionar, por lo que use mi pica todo para integrar todos los ingredientes.

Los ingredientes para esta bebida helada son muy básicos, un vaso de café altamente concentrado, unos 150 gramos de leche en polvo, canela, sirope de chocolate, trozos de hielo y sobre todo tener muchas ganas de degustar esta rica y refrescante bebida de cafeína.

Lo primero que hice fue agregar el contenido de la taza del café en la pica todo, seguido de la leche en polvo y licuar o batir para su mayor disolución, luego le agregue el hielo en trozos y licue una vez más hasta ver que estos estuviesen en trozos muy diminutos.

Una vez lista la mezcla, le faltaba el toque especial como eran los trozos de galleta de fresa y volver a batir, posterior a ello decore los vasos con sirope de chocolate y canela para disfrutar de mi refrescante bebida de café helado y al final decore el vaso con una galleta de fresa en la parte superior.

Mi esposo y yo estábamos muy ansiosos de poder refrescar nuestra calurosa tarde con esta increíble bebida, la combinación de la cafeína y la fresa es una explosión de sabores en el paladar, sino lo han probado les recomiendo mucho esta fácil receta y compártela con alguien agradable, en mi caso lo hice con mi complemento perfecto.

De ante mano agradezco el que dediques parte de tu valioso tiempo para leer mi trabajo y que Dios te multiplique el apoyo que le aportes a mi publicación. Bendiciones

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.


For not having the exact ingredients, the result looks great and, from what I read, it tasted simply delicious. The truth provokes and a lot, thanks for sharing the recipe.

Para no tener los ingredientes exactos, el resultado se ve genial y, por lo que leí, sabía simplemente delicioso. La verdad provoca y mucho, gracias por compartir la receta.

I have learned that the greatest limitations are in our mind, so I did not let circumstances prevent me from giving myself this great pleasure that I enjoyed with my husband.
Thank you for your visit @actioncats

I have never tried iced coffee, but seeing your recipe and the final result, now I know I must try it. It looks delicious.

I hope you are encouraged to implement this practical and simple recipe. I was just like you, I only knew about transitional coffee until I came to this community and I have opened my horizons.
Greetings @jordy0827

I am deeply grateful for the support provided by the @ecency team and especially to @melinda010100 for their trust.

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thank you very much for the responsiveness @cinnccf

Looks very delicious, excellent combination! Greetings 💖

Thank you very much I really enjoyed this refreshing drink @marcelys1

Cinnamon adds a spectacular flavor to coffee, especially when there is a milk base. With the heat these coffee type drinks are the perfect excuse to quench both cravings and thirst hahaha. May you continue to enjoy these experiments.

La canela le aporta un sabor espectacular al café, sobre todo cuando hay una base de leche. Con el calor estás bebidas tipo café son la excusa perfecta para saciar tanto los antojos como la sed jajaja. Que sigas disfrutando de esos experimentos.

I love the flavor combination of cinnamon, chocolate, milk and the exquisite coffee.
I really enjoyed my evening with the coffee.
Thank you for visiting my dear friend

I loved this 😃 excellent idea. I want one please 😍