Love photography

in Photography Lovers9 months ago

Beautiful and lovely Tuesday to you all 💖
Believe everyone is doing amazingly great 🙂
I'm doing perfect fine enjoying the holiday

Happy Eid Al-Adha to my Muslim friends ❤️

Today's photography is about love ❤️


Love is having affection, care and sense of connection and desire towards someone. Showing kindness is also part of love.

In today's world we need love to drive us, cause love does not envy.

We should learn to show love to one another

Making good use of my holiday
I decided to take this shot with my little sister
Happens to be what i saw online and i recreate it, just didn't expect it to come out this fine and cool.
I so much fall in love with the result.
Wasn't easy getting my little sister to give me what i want but she did play her rule well ✌️

We got different slide of it (love photography)

Pointing directly to the sky, and the sky add beaty to it
Making it look super nice. And the love shape shows pretty well too.

Second slide

The last slide took a lot of time to get it right and still we didn't get it that right, but we got it a little ☺️
Created from shadow.

Thank you for visiting my blog ❤️

I'm @smartgirl5