My Actifit Report Card: April 10 2024

in Actifit11 months ago

Onion seeding is an interesting agricultural process which is an important part of onion cultivation. For onion seed production, farmers usually grow onions from seeds and move the greenhouse from one place to another. Onion sets are mainly used for seed production. Depending on the variety cultivated and climatic conditions, growers can cultivate onions 3 times per year


During planting, mulch around and in between plants to discourage weeds and conserve moisture. Keep the soil moist so shallow roots can take up water. Apply nitrogen fertilizers every few weeks to increase the size of the bulb, and stop applying the fertilizer when the bulbs begin to push the soil away, and bulb formation begins. At the time of harvesting, the roots should be cut and the upper part should be cut to 3 cm. The bulbs should be allowed to dry for several weeks before being stored in a storage area. Store in a nylon bag at 5 to 10°C


For soil deep well-drained loam and clay loam with good moisture retention capacity and plenty of organic matter are best Regardless of soil type, the optimum pH range is 6.0 - 7.5, but onions can be grown in light loamy soils Onion plants grow well in raised mounds or soil rows that are at least 10 cm high


achieved in temperate climates without extremes of cold and heat and excessive rainfall however onion crops can withstand freezing temperatures It needs about 70% humidity for good growth It can grow well in places with an average annual rainfall of 650-750 mm during the monsoon period Onion crops require low temperatures and short daylight (light duration) for vegetative growth, while bulb growth and maturity require high temperatures and long daylight hours. the need


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Daily Activity, Home Improvement, Play with kids/grand kids, Walking, Yard Work
165 cm
65 kg
Body Fat
45 %
32 cm
