Work Is Life And Life Is Work!
Well it's like that for the most of us right?
So I've got something weird and although it is car related I don't exactly think it is meant for the #Hivemotors community as it might be more a thought process or something.
But it sure as hell is work related.
Now this might be a little bit of a confusing post because I have all these thoughts and I really don't know where to start!
Let's start with the job? It's re-building them transmissions... A hard job if you ask me and one where you've got to have sort of a clear mind! So many things to take into consideration, it really isn't at all funny!
Building Manual Transmissions.
Okay this might sound weird and most people might not understand this at all... But I'm scared of a manual transmission... I really am...
See when I first started this job four years ago as of September the 1st I was preparing myself for automatics and that was that... They said they needed someone who they can train to build just automatics and ever since then things were a roller coaster ride.
Up's and down's between both manuals and automatics... Would this sound weird if I say I'm more comfortable with an automatic transmission than I am with a manual? Sure it's easy to pin point a manual transmission when it gives problems but for some reason I am hella scared of them. It's like my brain fogs up when I've got to assemble one...
Might be I am over thinking it a bit? Might be!
I'd Face It...
Trust me whenever bossman tells me rip this up I do it no problem... I'd rather struggle a bit longer than ask for help and boy oh boy I don't mean to boast but dang I can tear some stuff up that most experienced people can't or is too scared to even touch!
I don't think outside the box at all I just play a scenario in my head of "I need to get this right I need to... If I want to become the best in my town and then my state and so on"
We don't shy away from anything! If we haven't done it before and we get one it'll be our first successfull one... One thing me and bossman realized is that all the transmission shops in our town are dying out because they can't stick with the trends and let me tell you we already know what the next trend is!
HYBRIDS! YEAHHHHH It's partially electric! (Please don't ask me how they work, when we find out I shall share that stuff!)
But before that we still have a lot to learn!
Waiting On Someone!
Well there is no use in waiting on someone.... But there was supposed to be a guy starting this week that would take over the manuals for us... I asked Bossman why doesn't he let me build them full time...
Seems he isn't keen on that idea at all, he has other plans for me and those don't include a damned manual!
The world is moving head long into the automatic style builds and he said there really isn't a need for me to get them under the wing at all because in ten years I'd pull a face for them because frankly we are the only automatic shop that actually do automatics in town... Most of them got a real big hiding from them and they decided to dump them... for the most part....
Now there's a bunch of manual shops that can't even take the load they are use to?
Time to take over the town? I think yes, let's buy them all out since we are the best here! Might be the guy that shows wont stay for long because I don't think bossman is planning on doing manuals for much longer anymore!

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