Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!
The Infamous DSG!
Or should I rather the rust bucket transmission!
Well this is surely a rust bucket of some sorts! You should see the condition of the car underneath the hood! WHAT A MESS!
Besides the mess I do actually like working on these transmission and especially so with doing the clutch on them! Ahh it really gives that satisfied feel once you're done and you have that perfect shifting!
I say this because there is some art to it (It's actually just a simple formula! But let's say that it's pure art! OKAY!)
The Rusty Clutchy!
This is what I don't get about clients! Why don't they just heed our advice, however expensive it may be!
This client just wants the clutch done and he is adament on just that! The thing is we can do just the clutch but you need to get a new fly-wheel as well and you need a major service on the megatronic!
Nah just the clutch guys!
Out With The Old!
Seriously though if I took this to the scrapyard they'd give me half price on this because of all the rust!
I swear if this guy drove any longer the clutch might have turned into dust!
I'm betting you guys that they'd want the old clutch back to resell it to someone desperate! Laughs!
Well the clutch is removed now and at current standing we are still waiting for the replacement to arrive, ordering these ahead of time isn't always the best bet since you never know which type you have in the transmission. You get a first gen and a second gen.
The Same Same As Always!
I pride myself with this!
No matter how small a job we never stop with the effort! I could have just given it some compressed air and be done with it but that is not how we do things around here!
Well Bossman would have preferred elsewise but I was too stubborn!
I want the new clutch to have a clean housing! And that it will get!
Stay tuned for the new clutch I'm sure it is bound to arrive this week and hopefully tomorrow!

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