Alive and Thriving: Actifit Report: March 2 2024 you loose some, you win some

in Actifitlast year

They say losing a loved one to the cold hands of death can be so heart-wrenching and the thought of never seeing them again could be a hunting hurtful feeling and I agree wholly as I have been there.

What about the feeling that comes from a friendship that fails or gets broken off? It could form that semblance to the above although not as permanent.

Stick with people who value you and what you do. Some seem like they do value you but they don't then it gets messy.

I sewed, cooked, relaxed whilst watching movies, and went for the board of lectors meeting after which I went for a stroll which bred these pictures.

I am alive and grateful. Hope you are too.

Today's post is part of my daily participation in the #Iamalivechallenge

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And celebrate being #alive

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always! We are not promised tomorrow

Whitney Alexander; a lover of God, life and knowledge; an accountant, a fashion designer, a part-time foodie, a resplendent tutor and a blogger/writer/storyteller in the hive family and loving every bit of it. Thanks for stopping by. Your comments and input are very much welcomed. xoxo
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Walking
