PostsCommentstemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 7 months agoAt the end of the creation source In the beginning, there was a song—a melody that danced through the void, shaping stars and breathing life intemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 8 months agoNOT SO HOTSPOTsource In a city, where neon lights flickered and skyscrapers touched the sky, there existed a small, unassuming caftemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 8 months agoMY NEW PROJECTsource My project we start again on twenty-two of the month. It is all about my education. By the next two weeks we will betemitopetalabi in #hive-177682 • 8 months agoOne Min Argument Causes A Big Quarrelsource On the seventh of this month, me and one of my brothers got ourselves into a silly fight. It was so funny and also not funny ttemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 8 months agoSECOND HELPING OF PUDDINGsource At the southern area of California, between the woods and a brook, stood Mrs Victoria Cottage, renowned fortemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 8 months agoI LOVE EATING PIEsource Pie is made of wheat flour, and adding ingredients of your choice, pie baking is very simple to learn, there are different watemitopetalabi in #hive-176874 • 8 months agoCane as a judgement material for all studentssource In life, everything is important, and sometimes it may not be. In preschool times, the cane is somtemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 8 months agoTHE CONTINUATION CONTINUESsource In a city, Mr Governor gives the library continuation opportunity to held books that never ended. So that the childrentemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 8 months agoYOU ARE NO LONGER MY HEROsource Ever since I was growing up, I have chosen many heroes as my heroes. But I just knew that they were not heroes I should foltemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 8 months agoNOT SO CONVENTIONALsource In a town, there was a popular cafe called "The peculiar cup". Instead of just serving beverages, it offered petemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 8 months agoIT'S AN INSPIRATION TO MEsource In an urban area in ado ekiti, an artist named Johnson felt stuck, staring at blank canvases for monthstemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 8 months agoBRO, YOU DISAPPOINT MEsource How can you do this to me, bro how can say you impregnate a girl, this is no fair bro. My junitemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 9 months agoThe Hour Has Comesource The hour has come to take over my throne. Last three months ago, the rebellious family took over the throne ttemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 9 months agoFairnesssource In a small town between two mountains, there was a man named Peter, he was known for his fairness and wisdom.temitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 9 months agoNo Insurance source Joyce Steven has always been a careful woman. She budgeted laborious, trying to avoid unnecessary exptemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 9 months agoNew Rateunsplash Inflation has overtaken Nigeria's market and economy. It is very bad for the majority of people to have moneytemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 9 months agoOver The Summitunsplash The village of oran settle in a lush, green valley, shelter by the majestic mountains. Every year, villagers wotemitopetalabi in #hive-177682 • 9 months agoThe Teachers Mindunsplash In a school, there was a boy named Samson, this boy is very stubborn to the core, he likes to frustrate his teacher.temitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 9 months agoPower of the stream In a Pacific valley, hidden away from crowded cities,flowed a stream named Shadow stream. Born from the melting snows of the great moutemitopetalabi in #hive-161155 • 9 months agoUses Of Timber unsplash Timber is the wood of growing trees suitable for structural and non-structural uses. Timber is very useful and essential in buildi