vote-com in #hive-140084 • 17 hours agoSECRET N ° 264 The Strange Merchant chapter 11 part 4/4Chapter 11 The Return to the Depths Part 4 The Path of the Forgotten His mind still unsettled by the strange encounter, Lucien took a deep breath and turned tvote-com in #hive-140084 • 3 days agoSECRET N ° 262 The Strange Merchant chapter 11 part 2 / 4Avant de plonger dans la suite de l'histoire, nous vous invitons à suivre notre compte secondaire @vote-com2. Ce compte seravote-com in #hive-140084 • 4 days agoSECRET N ° 261 The Strange Merchant chapter 11Chapter 11 The Return to the Depths Part 1 Escape Through the Ruins A dull crack echoed, followed by an icy breath seeping through the cracks of the old building. Thevote-com in #hive-140084 • 5 days agoSECRET N ° 260 The Strange Merchant chapter 10Chapter 10 The Guardians of the Shadow Lucien felt his heart tighten as he observed the villagers lined up before him, their faces marked by an eerie stillness. The glimmvote-com in #hive-140084 • 6 days agoSECRET N ° 259 The Strange Merchant chapter 9Chapter 9 The Ultimatum As night fell over Tresorville, a chilling wind rose. The shadows stretched unnaturally through the alleys, as if they were coming to life. Lvote-com in #hive-140084 • 7 days agoSECRET N ° 258 The Strange Merchant chapter 8Chapter 8 The Troubling Behavior of the Possessed One thing became clear to Lucien: the coins did not have the same effect on everyone. In some, they exacerbated existingvote-com in #hive-140084 • 8 days agoSECRET N ° 257 The Strange Merchant chapter 7Chapter 7 The Hunt for the Coins Lucien knew he had no time to waste. Every moment of hesitation allowed the influence ofvote-com in #hive-140084 • 9 days agoSECRET N ° 256 The Strange Merchant chapter 6Chapter 6 : The Resistance of the Possessed Lucien retraced his steps through the tunnel, his heart still pounding from the revelation. The Kingdom of Secrets was real, and ivote-com in #hive-140084 • 10 days agoCurrently writing✨ Breaking News: The "SECRET" Saga Continuvote-com in #hive-140084 • 11 days agoSECRET N ° 254 The Strange Merchant chapter 4The Legacy of Eldrin the Wise chapter 4 As he tried to make sense of what he was seeing, a deep and steady voice rose behind him. — "You should not be here, stranger."vote-com in #hive-140084 • 12 days agoSECRET N ° 253 The Strange Merchant chapter 3Chapter 3: The Kingdom of Secrets Lucien plunged into the tunnel, the dampness clinging to his skin and the echo of his footsteps reverberating against the rocky walls. Dvote-com in #hive-140084 • 13 days agoSECRET N ° 251 The Strange Merchant chapter 2Chapter 2: The Forest of Shadows Lucien followed Gaspard for several days, carefully noting each of his habits. Every evening, after the market, Gaspard would discreetly leavevote-com in #hive-140084 • 14 days agoSECRET N ° 250The Strange Merchant chapter 1Chapter 1: The Strange Merchant The village of Tresorville was a peaceful place, nestled in a valley surrounded by dense forests. Its inhabitants lived simply, tending theivote-com in #hive-140084 • 15 days agoSECRET N 249 GOOD WEEKEND As you may have seen yesterday, the story of the moment has come to an end. So, it’svote-com in #hive-140084 • 16 days agoSECRET N° 248 The Broken Realms FINAL CHAPTERChapitre 12 : La Légende d'Élisée Les années passèrent, et les royaumes unis sous l'alliance prospérèrent. Les terres autrefois dévastées étaient maintenant remplies devote-com in #hive-140084 • 17 days agoUPDATEvote-com in #hive-140084 • 18 days agoSECRET N° 246 The Broken RealmsChapitre 10 : L'Éclipse et l'Affrontement Final L'éclipse lunaire approchait, et l'atmosphère à Lunaris était tendue. Les préparatifs pour l'affrontement final contre Noxavote-com in #hive-140084 • 19 days agoSECRET N° 245 The Broken RealmsChapitre 9 : Les Ombres de l'Éclipse La nouvelle de l'éclipse lunaire et de la prophétie ancienne se répandit rapidement parmi les membres de l'alliance. Les représentavote-com in #hive-140084 • 20 days agoSECRET N° 244 The Broken RealmsChapitre 8 : L'Alliance des Royaumes Avec le Dieu de la Mer apaisé et le Dieu du Feu scellé, Élisée sentait que le moment était venu de rassembler les forces dispersées dvote-com in #tribes • 21 days agoUPDATETranslation: Yes, you do indeed have a SECRET LOGO No. 2. A new account, @vote-com2, has just appeared. It will follow our trail on this account's comments. For now, we are…