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Cuando era niño tenia una sensibilidad especial, mi madre me conto que veía que tenia un amigo imaginario y muchas veces se movían las cosas de manera inexplicable, pero como estaba tranquilo y eso no me afectaba para relacionarme en la escuela y tenia unas excelentes notas. decidió tranquilizarse y no darle importancia.
Así crecí, pase el colegio, el liceo y al llegar a la universidad, decidí hacerme físico y mas aun al ver al ver el experimento de la doble rendija, donde si se pasa un solo átomo muchas veces por dos cajas o un haz de luz por una doble rendija de tal forma que en vez de verse solo un punto se ve un patrón de difracción y la explicación mas acertada o simple es la interacción de mundos paralelos cercanos que interactúan con el nuestro para formar ese patrón de difracción.
En mi corazón sabia que esa explicación era la correcta aunque no recordaba nada de mi infancia me parecía podía ser y pensaba dedicar mi investigación a tener mas pruebas de estos mundos paralelos.
Hacia tiempo que ya no percibía esas cosas raras que mi madre decía que podía ver y sentir de niño por que me centre tanto en el estudio que no podía verlos o no le prestaba atención.
Así una vez graduado y ya con el conocimiento en física y el extraño mundo cuántico, me dispuse a tratar de encontrar esas pruebas para la teoría de los universos paralelos, pero un día conocí a una chica muy linda y mi corazón enseguida quedo cautivado.
Comenzamos a salir y mi investigación quedo de lado y así conociéndonos descubrí que la chica tenia algo interesante que contar y ella un día al fin me invita a su casa cuando ya nuestra relación era aun mas cercana y allí comprendí por que ella se pasaba tato tiempo fuera de casa y quería que pasáramos mucho tiempo fuera pero siempre dudaba de invitarme a su casa.
En su casa pasaban muchas cosas extrañas y ella me conto que hace tiempo que algo la acecha y la perturba que yo le gustaba mucho pero tenia miedo de que descubriera eso y huyera como le paso a otros y es allí que de me vino a la mente mi infancia, donde podía ver e interactuar con lo que hasta ese momento comprendí que podía ser un espectro que para mi fortuna el que me visitaba era amigable.
Yo siempre fui muy religioso y confiaba ciegamente en dios y fe en Jesucristo y esa fe tan fuerte me dio autoridad y fuerza para afrontar lo paranormal y por eso es que podía percibir y sentir esas cosas y allí la calme y le Conte que era especial y trataría de ayudarla por que también era alguien muy importante para mi, así que me quede con ella varias noches y al parecer los espíritus presentían mi fuerza y la dejaron tranquila por una semana.
Ella estaba muy feliz pero un día comenzó la pesadilla de nuevo para ella y fue mucho mas fuerte que antes ella estaba aterrada y yo que nunca había estado junto a espíritus tan violetos me empecé a asustar también pero al verla con tanto miedo la abrace y le dije:
"tranquila que yo te protegeré con la fuerza de Jesucristo por que no hay mayor autoridad que el y es el re de este y todos los universos, el me dará la fuerza como siempre lo a hecho"
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Así la puse detrás y ella al verme tan seguro se tranquilizo y me abraso muy fuerte, así de repente sentí y pide ver que un espectro poderoso quería lastimar a mi amada y confiando en dios me llene de fuerza y lance mi mano para apartarla de ella, pero el espectro se abalanzo para atacarme en el corazón pero lo aparte y me callo la mordida en el ojo y al apartarlo aunque no me daño físicamente el ojo si empecé a ver claramente li que tanto buscaba en mi investigación, vi la existencia de un universo paralelo donde estaban muchos demonios, fantasmas y espectros atrapados pero tratando de salir y a veces en personas débiles o desafortunadas que estaban cerca de sitios que por alguna razón la barrera estaba débil y estos espectros podían interactuar y así atormentar a los que estamos aquí.
Así a partir de ese momento podían ver ese mundo de pesadilla y así detectar las zonas donde podían pasar, y así ayudar con la fuerza de Jesús y mi gran fe a espantar esos espectros.
Así vi que con mi gran fe tenia el poder de combatir a esos espectros y al poderlos echar poder reparara con mis conocimientos de física y mis experimentos ese campo electromagnético que separaba nuestra realidad pero que solo personas especiales podían ver y yo ´por accidente empecé a poder verlo.
Así luche con los espectros que atormentaron por muchos años a mi novia y aunque fue difícil logre expulsarlos y después logre hacer un aparato que reparaba esa brecha en esa casa para que asi no pudieran nunca mas alcanzar a mi novia pero aunque yo siempre podía verlos ellos no podían alcanzarnos allí y menos aun con la fuerza del aura de Jesucristo que siempre me rodeaba por mi inmensa fe que en ese momento aun era mucho mayor, lo que me hacia casi intocable por esos espíritus.
Ahora vivo con mi novia que paso a ser mi esposa, que siempre se sintió agradecida y protegida por mi, por lo que era una razón mas para amarme, yo continua teniendo muchas mas aventuras salvando a muchas personas atormentadas por espíritus, creando aparatos con mis conocimientos de física, para luchar con malos espiritus y reparando la malla de realidad donde se necesitara, pero tratando de encontrar el experimento que al fin demostrara lo que yo ya sabia que era realidad, la existencia de universos paralelos interactuando con nosotros y esas interacciones son los que llamamos fantasmas y eventos paranormales.
Espero que les guste mi relato y si desean que continúe relatando mas sobre esto dependerá de cuanto apoyo recibe feliz noche, tarde o día.
When I was a child I had a special sensitivity, my mother told me that she saw that I had an imaginary friend and many times things moved inexplicably, but since I was calm and that did not affect my ability to interact at school and I had excellent grades. He decided to calm down and not give it importance.
That's how I grew up, I passed school, high school, and upon reaching university, I decided to become a physicist and even more so when I saw the double slit experiment, where if a single atom is passed many times through two boxes or a beam of light through a double slit in such a way that instead of seeing just one point, a diffraction pattern is seen and the most accurate or simplest explanation is the interaction of nearby parallel worlds that interact with ours to form that diffraction pattern.
In my heart I knew that this explanation was the correct one, although I didn't remember anything from my childhood, it seemed like it could be, and I planned to dedicate my research to having more evidence of these parallel worlds.
It had been a while since I had noticed those strange things that my mother said I could see and feel as a child because I focused so much on studying that I couldn't see them or I didn't pay attention to them.
So once I graduated and already with the knowledge in physics and the strange quantum world, I set out to try to find those proofs for the theory of parallel universes, but one day I met a very pretty girl and my heart was immediately captivated.
We started dating and my research was put aside and as we got to know each other I discovered that the girl had something interesting to tell and one day she finally invited me to her house when our relationship was even closer and there I understood why she spent so much time away from home and he wanted us to spend a lot of time away but he always hesitated to invite me to his house.
Many strange things were happening in her house and she told me that for a long time something has been stalking her and disturbing her that she liked me a lot but she was afraid that I would discover that and run away like what happened to others and that's when it came to my mind. my childhood, where I could see and interact with what until that moment I understood could be a spectrum that, fortunately for me, the one who visited me was friendly.
I was always very religious and I blindly trusted in God and faith in Jesus Christ and that strong faith gave me authority and strength to face the paranormal and that is why I could perceive and feel those things and there I calmed her down and told her that she was special and I would try to help her because she was also someone very important to me, so I stayed with her for several nights and apparently the spirits sensed my strength and left her alone for a week.
She was very happy but one day the nightmare began again for her and it was much stronger than before. She was terrified and I, who had never been with such violet spirits, started to get scared too, but seeing her so afraid, I hugged her and told her. said:
"Don't worry, I will protect you with the strength of Jesus Christ because there is no greater authority than him and he is the king of this and all the universes, he will give me strength as he always has"
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So I put her behind her and when she saw me so safe she calmed down and hugged me very hard. Suddenly I felt and asked to see that a powerful ghost wanted to hurt my beloved and trusting in God I filled myself with strength and threw my hand out to get her away from her. , but the specter lunged forward to attack me in the heart but I pushed it away and kept the bite on my eye silent and when I pushed it away, although it did not physically hurt my eye, I did begin to see clearly what I was looking for so much in my research, I saw the existence of a parallel universe where there were many demons, ghosts and ghosts trapped but trying to get out and sometimes in weak or unfortunate people who were near places where for some reason the barrier was weak and these ghosts could interact and thus torment those of us who are here.
So from that moment on they could see that nightmare world and thus detect the areas where they could pass, and thus help with the strength of Jesus and my great faith to scare away those specters.
So I saw that with my great faith I had the power to combat those specters and by being able to cast power on them I would repair with my knowledge of physics and my experiments that electromagnetic field that separated our reality but that only special people could see and I 'by accident began to be able to see it.
So I fought with the ghosts that tormented my girlfriend for many years and although it was difficult I managed to expel them and then I managed to make a device that repaired that breach in that house so that they could never reach my girlfriend again but although I could always see them They could not reach us there and even less so with the strength of the aura of Jesus Christ that always surrounded me due to my immense faith, which at that moment was still much greater, which made me almost untouchable by those spirits.
Now I live with my girlfriend who became my wife, who always felt grateful and protected by me, which was one more reason to love me, I continue to have many more adventures saving many people tormented by spirits, creating devices with my knowledge of physics, to fight with bad spirits and repairing the mesh of reality where it was needed, but trying to find the experiment that would finally demonstrate what I already knew was reality, the existence of parallel universes interacting with us and those interactions are what we call ghosts and paranormal events.
I hope you like my story and if you want me to continue telling more about this it will depend on how much support you receive, happy night, afternoon or day.