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RE: Why Can't Things Just Work?

in Rant, Complain, Talk10 months ago

Thanks I really appreciate that, and I think you're right, I should just roll with it and not get so worked up by the pressure.

I find it hard, because when I have time to do things I feel guilty if I don't manage to get anything done. I'm hoping to get some stuff sorted so that I have a place to work on things when I'm down in Aimee's. I'd like to even try out the model making, and see about doing a video of that to test the waters.

I'm looking forward to giving the selling a go, and for a reasonably small amount of start-up money, I've managed to pick up a decent amount of stock.

What I might do is clean the games up, take the pictures and have a folder of stuff ready to go when the stars alighn. At least that way I don't have to waste time.