Technology has transformed our world. The impact is beyond words and seemingly accelerating. Few would argue there are positive impacts. Like keeping in touch with those near and dear to us.

Source: Creator tarasyasinski on Pixabay
The world now seems smaller. We are connected. Constantly, if so desired.
- Are we too connected? Is there such a thing as being too connected? With our younger generations, in particular, this is not a trivial question. Studies now coming out indicate the impact on them is not all positive.
In the background, there has been a continuous and relentless advance in the technologies associated with all these transformational shifts in societies around the world. How dependent have we become upon them working. And working without fail?
What happens when they
stop working?
Call tech support! Yes, we have likely all have lots of stories about our experiences with that process. At least, it normally ends well and on with our lives we go.
What if tech support fails? Dealing with that is the basis for my post.
Earlier today, it began with technical problems which have plagued my workstation now for weeks. Very simply, a typical day starts with turning it on and skimming through various channels of information, to see what is happening.
What if you cannot connect to the Internet?
What? 😒 We have to have 24 / 7 / 365 connectivity! Without fail!! Yeah, well, we can't always have what we want. 🤔😉
I will not go into a lot of detail about the particulars I am facing, other than a few bullet points:
- I have years of experience working with computers.
- All of the built-in, self-help options have been tried. For example, the underlying operating system's troubleshooting, the associated apps troubleshooting, resetting and rebooting any associated hardware and software ...
- Every "pro tip" I know has been tried. Every tech support option I have has been contacted. All have failed.
- The problem is intermittent. That is, sometimes I can start up in the morning and everything works just fine. Other times, it does not.
This last point is the biggest one. I know from hard experience, when we cannot consistently recreate the problem we are facing, it is going to be tough to fix. Connectivity issues are particularly tough, given the layers of both hardware and software details linked to having it all work together without fail.
A few of my increasingly more costly options, in trying to get past this:
- Pay for expertise which I do not have, if I can find it, to successfully troubleshoot and permanently fix the problem.
- Rebuild my hard drive.
- Buy a new workstation.
The only solace I have is by applying my "bag of tricks," I have come up with two different processes by which I can restore my connection to the Internet. At least temporarily. Which I have done yet again, as is obvious since I just clicked the publish button on this post. 🫡
Can living life simply be an acquired skill? Maybe a rediscovered skill? This may seem like a funny way to end this post, but I find it has relevance to me to at least think about it.
It is remarkably uplifting, in the right state of mind, to simply get up from my workstation and go outside! In the sunlight, ideally, but even just getting outside under most conditions is still refreshing. May be even invigorating!
At least it puts us in touch with what has always been. Where the unprecedented rate of change in our lifetimes is at least somewhat hidden away. That has some value which is increasing with the more I think about what is important. And what is not.
What is your experience with the technological advances of our time in this big, wide world? Whatever they may be? Wherever you may live? What are your experiences when they stop working?
Best wishes, until we meet again,

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