SECRET N ° 250The Strange Merchant chapter 1

in FreeCompliments14 days ago

Chapter 1: The Strange Merchant

The village of Tresorville was a peaceful place, nestled in a valley surrounded by dense forests. Its inhabitants lived simply, tending their fields and exchanging goods at the weekly market. The days passed to the rhythm of birdsong and the rustling of the wind through the leaves, and everyone knew everyone else. But for the past few months, a shadow had loomed over this tranquility: a mysterious man named Gaspard Leclerc.

Gaspard was an enigmatic figure. Tall in stature, always clad in a dark cape that billowed behind him like an elusive shadow, he appeared at the market each week at dawn, before the first rays of sunlight kissed the cobblestones of the central square. His face was half-hidden beneath the wide brim of a black hat, but those who met his gaze spoke of unsettling blue eyes—deep, like a bottomless well.

His behavior fueled conversations and speculation. He purchased ordinary goods—bread, vegetables, leather—but paid for them in a most peculiar way: with gold coins engraved with a single word, "SECRET." With each transaction, the merchants hesitated for a moment, captivated by these smooth, gleaming coins, before accepting them, seduced by the purity of the gold.

But one question haunted their minds: where did these coins come from? And why did they bear that inscription?

One evening, at the Enchanted Candlestick, the village tavern, the merchants gathered to discuss Gaspard. Around them, candle flames flickered on the massive wooden tables, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

— "He must be connected to a hidden kingdom," murmured the blacksmith, rubbing one of the coins between his fingers as if hoping to extract an invisible secret from it.

— "Or maybe he found a cursed treasure," added the baker, making a discreet sign of protection, superstitious to the core.

— "One thing is certain—these coins are not normal," concluded the village elder, examining the piece in the candlelight. His forehead creased as he ran his fingers over its surface.

No one noticed Lucien, a young historian passing through, seated in a secluded corner of the tavern. He listened in silence, his chin resting on his hand, his eyes piercing the dim light with growing curiosity. Since arriving in Tresorville, he had heard whispers of this merchant and his intriguing coins, but that night, a spark of interest ignited within him.

Lucien was a man eager for mysteries and forgotten stories. He had traveled to distant lands, studied ancient manuscripts, and deciphered inscriptions worn away by time. But never had he encountered a currency bearing the inscription "SECRET." He knew that history had its hidden corners, its enigmas buried beneath the dust of centuries.

With a discreet motion, he brushed his hand against the satchel at his belt, where his notebooks lay. He had just found a new mystery to unravel. An intuition told him that these gold coins were not mere precious objects but fragments of a larger secret—perhaps a truth that no one in Tresorville could even imagine.

That night, he vowed to uncover the mystery of the gold coins and to find out who Gaspard Leclerc truly was.

Chapitre 1 : L'Étrange Marchand

Le village de Trésorville était un endroit paisible, niché au creux d’une vallée entourée de forêts denses. Ses habitants vivaient simplement, cultivant leurs champs et échangeant leurs biens au marché hebdomadaire. Les journées s’écoulaient au rythme du chant des oiseaux et du frémissement du vent dans les feuillages, et chacun connaissait chacun. Mais depuis quelques mois, une ombre planait sur cette quiétude : un homme mystérieux nommé Gaspard Leclerc.

Gaspard était un personnage énigmatique. De haute stature, toujours vêtu d’une cape sombre qui flottait derrière lui comme une ombre insaisissable, il apparaissait chaque semaine au marché, à l’aube, avant même que les premiers rayons du soleil ne caressent les pavés de la place centrale. Son visage était à moitié dissimulé sous le large bord d’un chapeau noir, mais ceux qui croisaient son regard parlaient de prunelles d’un bleu troublant, profondes comme un puits sans fond.

Son comportement alimentait les conversations et les spéculations. Il achetait des denrées ordinaires – du pain, des légumes, du cuir – mais il les payait d’une manière bien étrange : avec des pièces d’or gravées d’un seul mot, "SECRET". À chaque transaction, les commerçants hésitaient un instant, fascinés par ces pièces lisses et étincelantes, puis les acceptaient, séduits par la pureté de l’or.

Mais une question hantait les esprits : d’où venaient ces pièces ? Et pourquoi portaient-elles cette inscription ?

Un soir, au Bougeoir Enchanté, la taverne du village, les commerçants discutaient de Gaspard. Autour d’eux, les flammes des chandelles dansaient sur les tables de bois massif, projetant des ombres inquiétantes sur les murs.

— "Il doit être en lien avec un royaume caché," murmura le forgeron, en frottant une des pièces entre ses doigts, comme s’il espérait en extraire un secret invisible.

— "Ou peut-être qu’il a trouvé un trésor maudit," ajouta la boulangère, en se signant discrètement, superstitieuse jusqu’au bout des ongles.

— "Quoi qu’il en soit, ces pièces ne sont pas normales," conclut le vieux sage du village, en examinant la pièce à la lumière vacillante d’une bougie. Son front se plissa tandis qu’il en caressait la surface du bout des doigts.

Personne ne remarqua Lucien, un jeune historien de passage, assis dans un coin reculé de la taverne. Il écoutait en silence, le menton appuyé sur sa main, ses yeux perçant l’obscurité avec une curiosité grandissante. Depuis son arrivée à Trésorville, il avait entendu parler de ce marchand et de ses pièces intrigantes, mais ce soir-là, une étincelle d’intérêt naquit en lui.

Lucien était un homme avide de mystères et d’histoires oubliées. Il avait parcouru des contrées lointaines, étudié des manuscrits anciens et déchiffré des inscriptions effacées par le temps. Mais jamais il n’avait entendu parler d’une monnaie portant l’inscription "SECRET". Il savait que l’histoire avait ses recoins cachés, ses énigmes enfouies sous la poussière des siècles.

D’un geste discret, il effleura la besace à sa ceinture où reposaient ses carnets de notes. Il venait de trouver un nouveau mystère à explorer. Une intuition lui soufflait que ces pièces d’or n’étaient pas de simples objets précieux, mais les fragments d’un secret plus vaste, peut-être d’une vérité que personne à Trésorville ne pouvait imaginer.

Il se promit alors de percer le mystère des pièces d’or et de découvrir qui était réellement Gaspard Leclerc.

Winners SECRET TOKEN is :
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Merci pour les secrets et la nouvelle histoire

merci encore une fois ^^

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Was ist grün und schlittert über die Wiese?
Ein Pinguin im Tarnanzug.

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I swapped our double bed for a trampoline without telling my wife.
She really hit the roof!

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I'm in hospital because I drunk a cup of petrol.
That was a very fuelish thing to do.

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Why doesn’t Dracula have any friends?
Well……I hear he is a pain in the neck.

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belle journée

What do cheaters do after they die?
They lie still

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What do you call bad fruits and vegetables?

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What do you call a house made of feathers?
A lite house.

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Thank you for the SECRET


I can never take my dog to the park because the ducks keep trying to bite him.
I guess that’s what I get for buying a pure bread dog.

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!BBH 👍


This guy said he was going to attack me with his guitar.
I said is that a fret?

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Please include me. @iamchessguy
Thank you.


What did the hotdog say to the bun?
Listen buddy, i'm going to be frank with you.

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What does a CIA agent do when it's time for bed?
He goes under cover.

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bon lundi !

Where do Pigs go on vacation?
Boara Boara.

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Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft...
And I'll show you A-flat minor.

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Why do they call it euthanasia?
It’s not like you’re getting any younger

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Did you hear the one about the giant pickle?
He was kind of a big dill.

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A currency inscribed with SECRET, how meta. I am liking this new story so far!


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If asbestos is really as bad as it is claimed...
...then I don't want to know how bad asworstos is.

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Why did the rooster cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

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I know my wife loves it when I tickle her
She laughs while I'm tickling and is angry at me when I stop.

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thanks so much


What's the difference between a well-dressed man and a tired dog?
The man wears an entire suit, the dog just pants.

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Merci pour le SECRET et bien sur la nouvelle histoire!
Bonne semaine, !ALIVE

How does a computer get drunk?
It takes screen shots.

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My neighbors listen to really good music.
Whether they like it or not.

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thanks a lot on secret


Did you know that the first french fries weren’t cooked in France?
They were cooked in Greece.

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Nice one! Thank you


My kids must love to camp
Whenever we go somewhere they keep asking RV there yet.

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Why couldn’t the bike keep up with the car?
Because it was 2-tired

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How many egomaniacs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One, they hold the bulb while the world revolves around them.

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Can February march?
No, but April may.

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How do construction workers party?
They raise the roof.

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Gaspard might be secretive


How do you make a cheese puff?
Chase it around the block.

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Thank you so much

What did the icicle say to the other icicle?
Nothing, they just hung out and chilled.

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Did you hear about the restaurant in space?
Great food, no atmosphere.

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