Win SECRET tokens and TIPS // The legend tells it's secrets N°114

in FreeCompliments6 months ago

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Coming soon BEER

BEER 208/240

La légende, fatiguée mais victorieuse, franchit enfin les portes du royaume, son retour tant attendu marquant la fin d'une épopée sans égale. Le peuple, rassemblé dans les rues, observa en silence, laissant le poids des exploits du héros imprégner l'air. Les visages étaient remplis d'admiration et d'émerveillement, car tous savaient que son voyage l'avait conduit bien au-delà des frontières ordinaires de l'expérience humaine.

Il avait traversé les cieux lumineux du paradis, où la lumière éternelle dévoilait les secrets du divin, et il avait plongé dans les abîmes effrayants des enfers, où les ombres dévoraient le moindre rayon d’espoir. Chaque étape de son périple l'avait confronté à des défis qu'aucun être mortel n'aurait osé envisager. Pourtant, il était revenu, intact, mais transformé à jamais par les épreuves qu'il avait surmontées.

Dans le grand palais, la salle du trône était baignée dans une lumière crépusculaire lorsque le héros fit son entrée. Les membres du royautés,
observaient attentivement l'homme qui se tenait désormais devant eux. Ils étaient témoins du retour de celui qui, autrefois simple mortel, avait foulé les terres interdites de l'au-delà.

Ils n'avaient plus de jugement à rendre, car les révélations qu'apportait la légende surpassaient toute sentence ou décret. L'assemblée, quant à elle, demeura immobile, suspendue aux lèvres du héros, avide d’entendre ce qu’il avait à partager.

Il prit une profonde inspiration, ses yeux reflétant une sagesse infinie, une connaissance acquise à travers d'innombrables épreuves. Ses paroles, lorsqu'elles furent prononcées, résonnèrent dans la salle avec une gravité qui transcendait le simple récit.

La salle était silencieuse, chaque mot du héros semblait gravé dans l’air, laissant une empreinte indélébile dans l’esprit de tous. Il continua, ses paroles prenant une résonance presque prophétique.

À ces mots, le silence qui régnait dans la salle sembla s’épaissir, comme si le temps lui-même s’était figé. Le roi se leva alors de son trône et s'avança, saluant celui qui avait triomphé là où tant d'autres avaient échoué.

« Aujourd'hui, » déclara le roi d'une voix solennelle, « nous honorons non seulement le retour d'un héros, mais aussi la sagesse qu'il nous a apportée. Que son voyage nous inspire à chercher nos propres vérités, à affronter nos propres ténèbres, et à trouver la lumière qui brille en chacun de nous. »

Le royaume tout entier retint son souffle, conscient que ce jour marquait plus qu'un simple retour. C’était le début d’une nouvelle ère, un moment de renaissance où les leçons de la légende guideraient désormais les pas de tous. Le futur s’ouvrait devant eux, mystérieux et vaste, mais désormais, ils n’avaient plus peur.

La légende retourna à son point de départ , dans son vieux cabanon , ou les visiteurs pourrais venir raconter leurs secret et écouter ceux de ses visiteurs.

The legend, weary but victorious, finally crossed the gates of the kingdom, his long-awaited return marking the end of an unparalleled epic. The people, gathered in the streets, watched in silence, letting the weight of the hero’s feats fill the air. Their faces were full of admiration and wonder, for they all knew that his journey had taken him far beyond the ordinary boundaries of human experience.

He had traversed the radiant skies of paradise, where eternal light revealed divine secrets, and he had plunged into the terrifying depths of the underworld, where shadows devoured even the smallest glimmer of hope. Each stage of his journey had confronted him with challenges that no mortal being would have dared to face. Yet, he had returned, unscathed, but forever changed by the trials he had overcome.

In the grand palace, the throne room was bathed in twilight as the hero made his entrance. The royalty watched attentively the man who now stood before them. They were witnesses to the return of one who, once a mere mortal, had walked the forbidden lands of the beyond.

They had no more judgment to render, for the revelations brought by the legend surpassed any sentence or decree. The assembly, for its part, remained still, hanging on the hero’s every word, eager to hear what he had to share.

He took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting infinite wisdom, a knowledge gained through countless trials. His words, when spoken, resonated through the hall with a gravity that transcended mere storytelling.

The room was silent; each word of the hero seemed etched in the air, leaving an indelible mark on everyone’s mind. He continued, his words taking on an almost prophetic tone.

At these words, the silence in the room seemed to thicken, as if time itself had frozen. The king then rose from his throne and stepped forward, saluting the one who had triumphed where so many others had failed.

"Today," the king declared in a solemn voice, "we honor not only the return of a hero but also the wisdom he has brought us. May his journey inspire us to seek our own truths, to face our own darkness, and to find the light that shines within each of us."

The entire kingdom held its breath, aware that this day marked more than just a return. It was the beginning of a new era, a moment of rebirth where the lessons of the legend would now guide the steps of all. The future stretched before them, mysterious and vast, but now, they were no longer afraid.

The legend returned to his starting point, to his old cabin, where visitors could come to share their secrets and listen to the secrets of others.


Bon Dimanche à la Légende, merci pour les secrets

A termite walks into a bar and asks
“Is the bar tender here?”

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@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle




I used to run an origami company.
But it folded.

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@servelle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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I didn't sign up for the company 401k.
I don't think I can run that far.

Credit: reddit
@servelle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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 6 months ago Reveal Comment
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 6 months ago Reveal Comment

Enjoy your Sunday, legends.


An atom walks into a bar and says I think I lost an electron in here
Bartender: Are you positive?

Credit: theabsolute
@khantaimur, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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What type of fruit is not allowed to get married?

Credit: reddit
@khantaimur, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net



 6 months ago Reveal Comment
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 6 months ago Reveal Comment


I saw 4 guys beating up 1 guy so i stopped to help.
He had no chance against all 5 of us.

Credit: reddit
@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net



 6 months ago Reveal Comment


Hey @vote-com, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Merci pour les SECRET et bonne fin de dimanche!

Why did the rooster cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

Credit: marshmellowman
@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of manuvert




Why did the art thief's vehicle run out of fuel?
He had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh

Credit: reddit
@manuvert, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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We all need to learn to live with our mistakes.
Which is why I still live with my parents.

Credit: reddit
@manuvert, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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 6 months ago Reveal Comment
 6 months ago Reveal Comment
 6 months ago Reveal Comment


$PIZZA slices delivered:
benefice-net tipped khantaimur
benefice-net tipped manuvert
benefice-net tipped thedoc07
vote-com tipped thedoc07
vote-com tipped manuvert
benefice-net tipped servelle
vote-com tipped khantaimur
@benefice-net(5/10) tipped @vote-com
vote-com tipped servelle
manuvert tipped vote-com
thedoc07 tipped vote-com


What do you call a witch's garage?
A broom closet.

Credit: reddit
@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of thedoc07

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I would like to thank my fingers.
I can always count on them

Credit: reddit
@thedoc07, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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Why did the rooster cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

Credit: marshmellowman
@thedoc07, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP


 6 months ago Reveal Comment
 6 months ago Reveal Comment
 6 months ago Reveal Comment


Oh no! @benefice-net, you need more DUO Tokens!
You need to Stake at least 500 DUO.
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).
Learn all about DUO here.


 6 months ago Reveal Comment

@servelle, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/4) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @vote-com gets !LOOL from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

Die Deutschlehrerin zur Schülerin: Wenn ich sage Ich bin schön!
welche Zeit ist das dann?, Die Schülerin meldet sich und sagt gelangweilt: Vergangenheit Frau Lehrerin, wenn ich sie so ansehe mit Sicherheit Vergangenheit!

Credit: las3rbone
@vote-com, ich habe dir im Namen von @hiq.smartbot einen $LOLZ Token gesendet
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 6 months ago Reveal Comment