relf87 in #hive-168869 • 11 hours agoWeekend Engagement - How Well Do You Know Me?Write two truths about yourself and one lie but don't tell us which one is the lie. Hehe I thought this would be fun. Actually, I think the mosrelf87 in #hive-126152 • 3 days agoIntrovert Talks - Falling And Picking Myself Up"Introvert Talks" is meant to be a new initiative or theme, where I myself as an introvert, just talk about reflections and thoughts about my life,relf87 in #hive-161155 • 4 days agoZapFicMonday - ZapFic240: StainWoohoo! Zapfic is finally back! Here's my entry this week! **John was trying out a shirt in the fitting room when he saw a stain on the pocket. Feelinrelf87 in #hive-168869 • 8 days agoWeekend Engagement - The Mind TalksTake us on a tour of your mind: Describe and explain one fear, one hope, one ambition, one failure, one love and one hate. I realise I always lrelf87 in #hive-161155 • 13 days agoZapFicMonday - ZapFic50: StandWoohoo! Zapfic is finally back! Here's my entry this week! **John looked out of the cruise window and saw a figure standing in the middle of the sea.relf87 in #hive-126152 • 14 days agoIntrovert Talks - Tell Me What You Have Done"Introvert Talks" is meant to be a new initiative or theme, where I myself as an introvert, just talk about reflections and thoughts about my life,relf87 in #hive-168869 • 16 days agoWeekend Engagement - The Passion Quest*Why do you feel the need to take responsibility for your own life and work towards better outcomes? Or why do you prefer to entrust your presenrelf87 in #hive-161155 • 19 days agoZapFicMonday - ZapFic240: CaptainWoohoo! Zapfic is finally back! Here's my entry this week! **The captain panicked when he saw that pirates closing in on his ship. He commanded his crrelf87 in #hive-140587 • 24 days agoYummy First Experience At Oriental Kopi!In case you are wondering, @shawnnft has a February 2025 challenge and the theme is Chinese food. I hope this one counts as Chinese food! Todayrelf87 in #hive-161155 • 25 days agoZapFicMonday - ZapFic50: ReceiptWoohoo! Zapfic is finally back! Here's my entry this week! The receipt churned from the machine, indicating a new delivery order had come through.relf87 in #hive-168869 • last monthWeekend Engagement - The Laws Of AttractionWhat would you like to START, STOP and KEEP in your life this year? Explain. Ah, I actually like this prompt a lot! It's actually not the firsrelf87 in #hive-161155 • last monthZapFicMonday - ZapFic240: LetterWoohoo! Zapfic is finally back! Here's my entry this week! **Deep within the forest lived a wizard. This day, his owl brought him a letter from the kirelf87 in #hive-126152 • last monthIntrovert Talks - Putting Health First"Introvert Talks" is meant to be a new initiative or theme, where I myself as an introvert, just talk about reflections and thoughts about my liferelf87 in #hive-168869 • last monthWeekend Engagement - Are You Brave Enough?*Do you fear failing or see each failure as an opportunity to adjust, learn and begin again with a better chance of success? Explain with examplerelf87 in #hive-126152 • last monthIntrovert Talks - Chinese New Year and CryptosWelcome to Introvert Talks! "Introvert Talks" is meant to be a new initiative or theme, where I myself as an introvert, just talk about reflectiorelf87 in #hive-140587 • last monthFirst Experience At Bacha Coffee!I met my friend for lunch in town last week and after lunch, we were walking around to window shop, and then we saw Bacha Coffee in the mall. My frrelf87 in #hive-161155 • last monthZapFicMonday - ZapFic50: UrgeWoohoo! Zapfic is finally back! Go check out their post [here](relf87 in #hive-168869 • last monthWeekend Engagement - The Eleventh HourWhat makes you mad/angry? Explain. Simply put, I don't like to be rushed. I belong to the group that likes to plan stuff in advance, and berelf87 in #hive-126152 • 2 months agoIntrovert Talks - Burnout Is Not A Badge Of HonourWelcome to Introvert Talks! "Introvert Talks" is meant to be a new initiative or theme, where I myself as an introvert, just talk about reflectiorelf87 in #hive-161155 • 2 months agoZapFicMonday - ZapFic240: ReturnWoohoo! Zapfic is finally back! Go check out their post [here](