Hello Hive ❤️
Hey folks! 🌟 Get ready for our Weekly #Giveaways – where each vote doesn't just count; it makes the prize even juicier!
So, our Daily Giveaway was a hit, but guess what? We are changing it to one a week now. Why, you ask? Well, the whole process is a bit time-consuming, and we've got our main focus on @cbrsphilanthropy.
If you're all about spreading good vibes and helping others, then you're gonna love what we're up to. Follow our #Philanthropy Hive account and stay in the loop with all the incredible projects we've got going on. It's more than just giveaways – it's about making a positive #impact together!
Join the fun, vote, and let's make our Weekly #Giveaways a community celebration. Because when we come together, amazing things happen! 🤝✨
🏆 Bigger prize
Guess what, winners? We've got an extra dash of awesomeness just for you! 🎉 @Ecency is throwing in some #EcencyPoints to spice up your prize. So, not only are you snagging those sweet accumulated post HIVE rewards, but you're also scoring a cool 500 Ecency Points. It's the cherry on top of your winning treat! 🍒✨
👉 How does it work?
Every single Giveaway post on Hive is your ticket to potential #rewards! 📝 If you follow the rules correctly it will automatically make you eligible to win the total amount of voting rewards that post accumulates. The giveaway wraps up 7 days later when @cbrsgiveaways get the rewards for the post. Then, it's spin time on the "Wheel of Names" to find our lucky winner!
📋 Rules
1. VOTE (The more people vote the bigger the Giveaway)
2. Follow US
3. Comment: #cbrsgiveaway
4. Tag a friend (you can tag more if you want)
🤝 Spread the Love:
Hey everyone! 🎉 Let's amp up the awesomeness in our giveaways and let the excitement go wild! Feel totally #free to boost the fun – share those giveaway vibes with some epic #reblogging, and make sure your crew doesn't miss out on the thrill. And hey, Twitter experts, you're part of this too!
Tweet, post, shout from the virtual rooftops – do whatever it takes to give our giveaways that extra punch. Your support is the key ingredient, and together, we're cranking up the excitement! Let's team up and transform this #buzz into a viral, #game changing phenomenon!
Spread the word on different platforms, get your pals involved, and let's take the fun to new heights! The more, the merrier!
If you are new and you want to know more about us, please take a look at our #Introduction article:
Join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/FR8vhRM75Z
Follow us on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/CBRS_Giveaways
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@stickupcurator, @stickupboys, @ynwa.andree, @hjrrodriguez, @yenmendt, @ramisey, @gwajnberg, @almajandra, @marilour, @valdiva, @inquisitive, @henruc, @bitandi, @cetb2008, @tirizard, @dailyspam, @flquin, @akiraymd, @dewabrata, @diochen, @beauty197, @winanda, @beeeee, @casting-metal, @cajiro, @carl05, @javyeslava.photo, @fashtioluwa, @jaopalas, @kryptof, @elisaday7, @starwarm, @madushanka, @manuelgil64, @gwajnberg, @newnow497, @agreste, @imahfuzur, @gr33nm4ster, @cpol, @laschilcas, @melinda010100, @mammasitta, @acidosis, @agitator33, @agog, @ak08, @aka6seven, @akiraymd, @aldrahad, @alex2alex, @alexis666, @alexisgr1993, @alexmag1988, @alexvan, @alfrin, @amaari, @amaillo, @amigareaction, @an0na, @anabasis, @andimoeller, @andy-plays, @animocin, @applekah, @arc-echo, @arc7icwolf, @aresteris, @arieruzzzz, @arpuch, @asakasa, @ashborn07, @asrullpare, @assassyn, @astramar, @astym, @auggie, @aurikan, @azzm984, @baburamg, @bancomat, @bandada, @bandano, @barmbo, @batistebou, @bcarolan639, @bechibenner, @beelmukjj, @belhaven14, @benjoo, @beyondhorizonmm, @bfciv, @bigbarger, @bigorna1, @bilidrg, @bishhh, @bitandi, @bitcoinflood, @blackfoot92, @blessedkid-121, @blitzzzz, @bluehy20, @bombus, @boylindol, @brucegryllis, @burn950, @c3r34lk1ll3r, @cactusin, @caimanx, @caliban400, @candnpg, @captaincryptic, @captainloken, @chaosbug, @cheesecrackinged, @chillmaw, @chokage, @cibi, @circlebubble, @cjames-40, @cjlugo, @cpol, @crazyphantombr, @criptosectadepit, @cryptoace33, @csabesz07, @csvoon, @culebro, @cyberqueenmeg, @cynano, @d3lphinus, @daddydog, @daethical, @dafusa, @dagger88, @dagz, @dailyspam, @damus-nostra, @daniarc, @danideuder, @dark.shad0w, @darkemperor, @darmstrong, @darusic, @darwinjj, @davethegreat, @dayadam, @dbooster, @decasamerlo, @deimargd, @derfabs, @dewabrata, @diochen, @dk1trade, @dokebi01, @dotwin1981, @dovycola, @dr-doofus, @dracozauberer, @dragon-ti, @dragonballfan, @dreasha, @drlobes, @droxx, @dryst, @dtam, @dub-c, @dubble, @dyson-the-booper, @ebastion, @eddqq, @eddwood, @edskymiguel, @egistar, @eiiviin, @eijibr, @einnes, @elderdark, @eliasg85, @elkingplayer, @ellis23, @elminster, @eman13088, @emeraldtiger, @emion, @engilhramn, @epearson, @esbat, @eustace-kidd, @evanr, @famoushade1, @felipejoys, @filuris, @flummi97, @fnvdesigns, @fragozar01, @frazfrea, @fredfettmeister, @freedomprepper, @funferall, @funnel, @ga8ox35, @gabrielrr17, @gagegida, @galaxios, @gandhi-disciple, @gangstalking, @genming, @germangenius, @gessy, @getthismonkey, @ghua, @golddiggernrw, @gondek, @goonyoung, @gr33nm4ster, @gregory-f, @gremlinchef, @grijanklys, @gs1, @gunbound, @gurseerat, @guurry123, @h3llrais3r, @h4rr1s, @hafiz34, @haizelanne, @hannes-stoffel, @harayatim, @harharhar, @hatdogsensei, @hatke, @healjoal, @henruc, @henster, @hhbot, @highhaschdi, @hiv3, @hivecurious, @hoffmeister84, @holdeck, @hollowins, @holycowz, @homeboy0130, @hoosie, @hurax, @ian0426915, @ianballantine, @iceledy, @idmr500, @ieronimus, @imfarhad, @imno, @imsadik, @indignantgerald, @instamental, @inuke, @irregular-n, @isnochys, @itzyyy, @ivanov007, @ivarbjorn, @jagged, @jaimenetsbr, @jakkal, @janasilver, @jats-0, @javeson, @jaybart, @jaystoh, @jdike, @jfang003, @jhuleader, @jingo-submo, @jirycho, @jmehta, @jmis101, @jona10, @jonimarqu, @jordy0827, @josephsavage, @jrcolasito67, @junnos, @justitheguy, @jxalvar, @kaeltegott, @kahyazhe, @kalib, @karizma, @keithtaylor, @kelvintekla, @kinashi100, @kirstin, @kisscsanadd, @klm0420, @kojiri, @kondarkon, @koodies, @koukou21, @krympton, @kryptof, @kryptofire, @kungfukid, @kvinna, @kyo-gaming, @ladymisa, @last-phoenix, @layfon, @laziestever, @leonardohwang, @levi-miron, @levih, @liecka21, @lightbruce17, @limo6688, @lipe100dedos, @litrydow, @lobaobh, @loboguara, @lofone, @logen9f, @lolz.pgm, @lolz.pimp, @lordanquek, @lorddiablo, @lordflu, @losgemanos, @louis88, @luchyl, @luciengre, @luckbound, @lucky-elephant, @luizeba, @madame-cyntaia, @madjimmy, @maggotmilk, @mango-juice, @manni, @margone03, @mario89, @marleyroots, @masterofwolves, @mastersco, @matimath, @matthew14429, @mattlafourcade, @mauriciolimax, @maurojd, @mdasein, @melkor85, @melonqueen, @meme, @memehida, @memess, @mervinthepogi, @metalstorm96, @methodofmad, @middle-earthling, @mima2606, @mirroredspork, @misshugo, @misterabaddon, @monsterbuster, @moonthumb, @mordikkio, @morgtan, @motasticc, @mr-house, @mr-satan, @mrnestea, @mryoung1979, @music-nature, @mxm0unite, @myeong, @myothuzar, @mypathtofire, @naknak14, @nangel01, @nietokilll, @nighthunter666, @no-advice, @noejnolimit, @noko85, @nomaddreamer, @novax15, @nozem01, @nurodan, @nysster, @oadissin, @oelscheich, @olaf.gui, @olujose6, @onefapman, @onthemountain, @oople, @operahoser, @orionvk, @osiriswill, @oskarl21, @osmw14, @outwars, @ownjing, @pablodare, @packagedmilk, @pandachef, @parmengo, @paulriq, @pedrobrito2004, @pepperharrow, @pero82, @pero821, @pesigolovec, @pgmcuration, @phantomassassin, @phanty, @pirulito.zoado, @plicc8, @poplar-22, @potplucker, @powermeat, @prapledragon, @professorrotten, @pulubengdugs, @putu300, @qoogohome, @queen-silvia, @quekery, @quetzaal, @ragk88, @ramadhanight, @rayius, @rca13, @reagept, @redco, @redeculous, @reibar, @reiell1, @reinabndc, @relf87, @rentaw03, @ricestrela, @riciuz, @rileykat, @rimurutempest, @ringo95, @rokem028, @s4mura1777, @sabajfa, @sabujdip, @salamera, @sapphireleopard, @sarapony, @savvytester, @sbt.bounty, @scfather, @scfather02, @schumix05, @schyzo, @screamheart, @seeweed, @sentipl, @senyong, @servelle, @shaggoth, @shawnmichael-gt, @sheikh27, @shinpurple, @siberian12, @sideswipe81, @sidhu17, @sieghard1990, @siiiiichfried, @simsahas, @sindular, @skillzdal, @slaccumsleener, @sloth.buzz, @smallcircle, @sodom-lv, @soltecno, @sparkyontherum, @splinter100dedos, @splinterob, @splintertrends, @spryquasar, @spt-shturm, @squirrelacus, @squishna, @stdd, @steembasicincome, @steemstreems, @stonemountain69, @subidu, @sudeginsiu, @sudeon, @summoner-cha, @svanbo, @syel25, @sygxwin, @tadesaurius2323, @talhatariq, @tarabh, @technocrypton, @tempt, @tengolotodo, @tengolotodo.leo, @ternizator, @thaddeusprime, @the-ascendant, @the13anarchist, @theacks, @thebighigg, @thedoc07, @thefittest, @thegoliath, @thejestergamer, @themajon, @therealmrcrypto, @thestupidboy, @thoth442, @thranax, @tinyputerboy, @tirizard, @toktak, @tokutaro22, @torlof-hun, @travoved, @treefrognada, @trick-clown, @tripnwizard, @tub3r0, @tub3r02, @tugboattt, @txrose, @tydynrain, @uchiha-gaming, @udow, @udyan, @uglykillerpigz, @ultralawzski, @umuk, @urkanon, @uveee, @vagabond42069, @vasupi, @vaynard86, @vegata, @vicer0y, @visual.alive, @vrezyy, @waynechuasy, @weekendmachinist, @weisz, @willendorfia, @williamho, @wine, @wlatt, @wokeenochian, @wommi, @wrrrri, @xg4028, @xheadhunterz, @xxkontr0lxx, @yabish, @yasky, @ydaiznfts2, @yeckingo1, @ynwa, @ynwa.andree, @ysf21, @z960, @zahnstochermann, @zakludick, @zephid83, @zero2hero1, @zerold, @zldj, @zottone444
If you don't want to be tagged anymore, please let us know in the comments. Apologies for the inconvenience
@derzweile, @bethyjade, @carminasalazarte, @dechastre, @dimas-deikartz,@dirego1,@elawhatson,@for91days,@gehodrift,@laimagenhabla,@lordcrowmaster,@manuelfsanchez, @mdcomes, @miguelprofet, @nanitaakane05, @norman-sw,@pimoswo,@wartrapa,@ymbereina25,@darruiz,@athleticactivity,@fabii,@mjtextil,@mundomanaure,@dorimar,@actioncats,@agcoeficiente10,@aguamiel,@aidarojaswriter,@akastoy,@alanys-08, @alejandramonzon, @alejandroj, @alexandra1301,@ashley.vlogs,@ashleyjaramillog,@astrolabio,@beaescribe,@belkisa758,@brujita18,@bylsel,@cabetosag,@camiloferrua,@caribayarte,@carlosquin,@castrochastre,@ch1nux,@chriscopio,@coquicoin,@dalitze,@danini13,@dayanita2,@dcarolvb,@dimeilaz,@dracrow,@drrune,@edwing357,@enderlouis,@erney333,@evev,@flowers.hpy,@genesishealthy,@ginethchira2301,@gustavosf,@hive-142415,@hiveccs,@isaaccrsw,@iscrak,@iuliapetit2711,@jarrio93,@jayarecripto,@jesuslnrs,@jhoxiris,@joaquin2111,@joseacabrerav,@josilveram,@lazarccs8,@lduranjwp,@lishagab12,@luiscreativo,@m16uellop,@marielarc07,@mariita52,@marymlp-8,@maydelvalle,@mayvil,@mayvileros,@melitzamusic,@milabarrios,@millionaireking,@morito13,@mv-curacion,@mvl2304,@nachovened,@naradamoon,@nbarrios67,@ninachejov,@orianabeam,@orimusic,@osomar357,@pablojosemusic,@reenave,@reinaldoverdu,